Character Names : Fragile, RyRy, and Tyson(I believe) Last thing you did: I don't remember since I stopped playing back in 2014-2015. Why do think you got banned?: Due to a long span of inactivity. Ban message when attempting to log in: Best to just use a screenshot. (A link just in case) What GM banned you (optional): No idea Extra stuff: It's been over two years since I've last played maple royals, and hearing that v83 is coming out once again sparked my interest. Like I listed above, I have no idea how I got banned and would appreciate to have my account unbanned. The only thing I could really guess is that I was auto banned for inactivity. But yeah, only thing I can do now is wait for a reply and hope for the best.
Thanks John, my hermit been striped naked but its not too much of an issue, I guess my items were duped or something. But no matter, I can just grind to get the items back. I'm just glad to have my account back, thanks.