ign:ju4n12xd Last thing you did: autoban Why do you think you got banned: it is impossible for a LV15 make that dmg. I say it was autoban to my bishop that makes a hit 65k the bishop launched genesis - I've never used any program illegal Lord only that it is unfair was a system error since it gave me autoban the bishop and being in serious party obviously please think about it a little more please find out more. autoban gave me my system to give a novice not hit my job 65k What GM banned you (optional): autoban
john ban me from my high dmg 62315 and I hit 70k to 90k. True, a rookie lv 15 dmg fitting that since the genesis damage resulting 62315. I have never been banned escaped. and what happened to me is now autoban system and is something that happens very often.You must understand that one bishop was high dmg hits 63215 or more @John
banned who went to my high dmg by 63215k not understand why the normal baned if you hit one bishop ...