Hello everyone ! All Your Character Names: Bryzeis, Bryseiz, Bryseis, Teaie, Killari + some mules (like BryMagic13 or smt) + some other unused character which I forgot the name.. (sorry :/) Last thing you did: Was logged on yesterday night (around 20 - 22 pm Server Time) and did one Snowman + daily stuff Why do you think you got banned?: I have no Idea Ban message when attempting to log in: This is an ID that has been deleted or blocked from connection What GM banned you (optional): Not written
Hmm, I have 4 acc in total but I only use 2-3 characters mainly, rest are mules. I can give you my 4 ACC ID if you'd like to check each character names. I know most of them but some are really old and not used anymore. On my primary acc : got 3 characters - 1 NL lvl 146 or 147 - Teaie - 1 bowman lvl 42 or smt around this (name I don't remember) - 1 Bishop lvl 125 - Bryzeis (my actual main rn) Secondary acc : 6 characters - 1 lvl 140+ mage (fire) - Bryseiz - 5 mules (name are always same patern with Bry afront) 3rd acc : 3 Characters - 1 Crusader lvl 75 - name.. maybe Teale ? with the *L* - 1 Bowman lvl 36 - Killari (currently HP Washing it) - 1 spearman lvl 30 - can't recall name 4th acc : 1 character lvl 83 Priest - Bryseis Those are my only characters and acc I use
Hello again ! I have thought about the inability to connect last night and it might come from the fact that I forgot to turn off my North VPN service. I usually use the VPN for Netflix and I remember watching a series 2 days ago right after I log off from Mapleroyals. Yesterday night, I think the VPN was still on for some reason (didn't turn it off manually when I was done watching) and it might be the reason why I couldn't connect. I will test this tonight with the VPN off and keep you guys in touch ! Cheers <3 ! Bry
I have tried without North VPN and it works ! You can close this thread Sorry for the inconvenience ! Bry <3