1. ALL Your Character Names: PureStorage, (maybe some other mules, but I don't remember sorry) 2. Last thing you did: Last time I played was around December 2020, but I believe was farming Coolie Zombies. 3. Why do you think you got banned?: Not sure, but would appreciate some clarification. 4. Ban message when attempting to log in: ID has been deleted or blocked from connection. 5. What GM banned you (optional): Not sure
Hello. You do not appear to be banned from what I can see. You can try unplugging your router/modem for at least 3 minutes to prompt your ISP for a new IP. Additionally, if you are using a VPN, ensure that you are being assigned a private IP that is not shared with others (normally a paid VPN).
Hi Bacon, Appreciate your help. I was able to login to an account, but for some reason it looks like my character is completely missing? Did the server delete inactive accounts or perhaps my IGN PureStorage is under a different login name?
Hello. Your character still exists (we don’t nuke old/inactive characters/accounts), but it is under a different login. I won’t be able to reveal which one though for security reasons. You can always utilize this if needed: https://royals.ms/forum/threads/lost-email-or-username.154999/