So recently, I did a smega saying, "S/O to PwningBarney for helping a niqqa (NIQQA) out STFU TIM". Now I understand it does count as inappropriate language, even though I did not say the actual word, but I didn't even smega it, so noone could of seen the smega, only me. I'd just like to know why I got banned, even if it didn't go smega through the server.
There's an autoban system in place for a few select words, so the smega isn't visible to the server. Our rules are quite clear when it comes to that word. If you read our rules you would have been aware that using that word in a super megaphone would get you banned for 3 days
I'm sorry about not using the right format by the way. Also, I was banned until Friday, which is 4 days. And I understand now, sorry for the inconvenience!