Closed Ban Appeal: Virus17 (number 3)

Discussion in 'Ban Appeal' started by Virus175, Jan 20, 2015.

  1. Virus175

    Virus175 Member

    Jan 17, 2015
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    IGN: Virus17
    Last thing you did: I got Tedtacular Bearingtons and then I trained to level 45 in Hunting Ground Middle of the Forest 2.
    Why do you think you got banned?: I got a +7 White Bandana using 10% scrolls on Maple Island. I have been playing for more than one week and I`m level 45.
    Ban message when attempting to log in: Your account has been permanently banned for serious violation of the rules. Therefore you will be unable to use this account.
    Details: Sila permanently banned Virus17: Suspicious Activity.
    What GM banned you (optional): Sila

    this is the same i wrote in the last thread which was closed for second time:

    "I cant understand what is the relation between meeting people in the island, with making my white bandana +7? i mean, what are you asking them for? dude its totally different, you are looking for a proof that doesnt exist, . I told you thousands times that i didnt play for more than 2 weeks, its obvious that i dont know that much people, do you want my computer registry logs or something like that? maybe remote control, so you can check for anything illegal? did you really fully check my account? im not a liar, im not lying, understand that im pretty upset for what you have done to me. you didnt even reply me when i asked if this has ever happened before, you just banned me because of "suspicious activity" with no actual proof, what the heck is that? did you check my log in and log out logs? please get me a real proof, stop relying on people, what do they have to do with me having a +7 bandana???? are you going to ask them something like, do you know him? - no, and you are like, "oh he is a cheater because he has played for 10 days and he doesnt know islanders" they are two separate things. Closing my thread isnt a solution, its evading your responsabilities, i didnt cheat, i didnt hack, i didnt spam, i didnt offend anyone, i didnt say bad words, i didnt modify anything, i didnt do anything bad. why would i scroll in front of islandslut, well whatever she was there and she is not helping at all, she witnessed everything, why dont you look for her chat log? she was there and she isnt helping me at all, what a good person she is, really. I told you im quitting but i want to keep my promise to a friend, and im quitting because i cant stand all the stuff you are putting me through, calling me a cheater, banning me, your false accusations annoy me. I freaking hate swearing, but i swear to God i didnt cheat, please do something else that doesnt involve asking people if they ever met me because that doesnt have any relation with scrolling!

    if you want any proof well, tell me what would be a proof in my case? if you were me, how would you prove that you are innocent? by the way after scrolling the white bandana to +7, i scrolled my ice pants 7 times and all of them failed!! at least look up for that, the chat log must be there! just dont be lazy and freaking check it! i think its the only proof i have, since, again, tell me what would be a proof in my case?"

    this was the awesomest reply of a GM in which you can notice their professionalism as game masters

    If you are quitting, then you really wouldn't care that you're remaining permanently banned.

    and then again this is my reply:
    I care because i made a promise to a friend which i have said twice, i care because i want you to bunch of gms to apologize for what you did to me unfairly!!! and finally i dont want this to happen to anybody ever!

    because its easier to close a thread than checking my chat log!! and make a full check of my account?! i told you that i finally remembered a proof in my benefit and your answer is the most amazing shame i have read in my life
    Mooshy and iLaza like this.
  2. Sila

    Sila Donator

    Jun 4, 2014
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    You really dont learn do you.
    You are not getting unbanned.
  3. Katsuruka

    Katsuruka Donator

    May 10, 2013
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    We have discovered an issue with the Helmet Def 10% scrolls and will rectify this as soon as possible. You have been unbanned on the forums and ingame, and please accept our apologies for the inconvenience and annoyance caused. We genuinely believed that this scrolling was related to a recently patched exploit but we have been proved wrong.

    As compensation, you get to keep the scrolled bandana, even though it was the result of a bug. I would like to request you and others not to use any more 10% Helmet Def scrolls until the bug has been fixed, though.
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2015
    Vaxy, eddz2, ReconKatana and 9 others like this.

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