IGN: Beuteugeu Last Thing you did: Logging off and going to bed Ban Message when attempting to log in: Hacking or use of Illegal third-party program What gm banned you: N/a This afternoon i couldn't log in when i tried. I logged off normal on the night before (arround 10 pm). What happ?
You botted again: http://puu.sh/avXb9/e7845ad2de.png http://puu.sh/avXev/b9fa4c3584.png http://puu.sh/avXgO/cdfe17f0d3.png http://puu.sh/avXlB/5c4503256a.png
What time was that? My brother said he isn't playing anymore and i went to sleep. After the 1 incident i'm being sure not to left nothing over the keyboard and i readed the rules so i could avoid doing something wrong
isn't there some kinda of mac block thing? I can't control what he does on the house when I'm sleeping or when I'm out, and I block my computer all the times...
Yes. I use the same password on all low-importance things that i deal with -and games are inside it too(steam/tetris/etc)- so i can remember all the passwords i have. If you see the password you will see a kinda of ''logic'' on the password and it XD