Closed Ban Appeal

Discussion in 'Ban Appeal' started by Luey1222, Oct 2, 2020.

  1. Luey1222

    Luey1222 Active Member

    Sep 11, 2020
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    Character Name: ThrobinRod, HealingLuey, and Luey
    Last thing you did: CPQ
    Why do you think you got banned?: Minor account sharing
    Ban message when attempting to log in: This ID has been deleted from the server please try again.

    I just wanted an answer, but I did not receive one you closed my last appeal before this message. Please consider what I am asking.

    I’m pretty sure this originated on 9/27/2020, when my cousin was visiting my place, he briefly logged into his account to check his NX count while my character was already logged, I must clarify I do not know his account details nor I played on his character.

    I’ve been going through “Section 3. Game Use & Restrictions” where account sharing is stated, this been said I’d like to point out:

    1. It’s stated as account sharing - The act of sharing the use your account, sharing account information with any other individual, or the act of logging into or otherwise using an account owned by another person, with or without permission, regardless of whether or not the information was directly or indirectly shared.

    We did not share information regarding ID, password, PIN, or PIC, nor did we share the use of the account, as stated on T&C I did not log on his account as he was currently in my place and did it by himself.

    2. As stated on T&C “Please be aware that, in cases of severe abuse as per discretion of staff, we reserve the right to respond with a permanent ban regardless of if it is your first offense”, upon checking the appendix it’s deemed as a severe abuse:

    1. Using power-leveling services; to this point, I must add I did not level his account nor I'm offering power-leveling services.
    2. Two or more people taking turns in leveling up a character (ie: training); Upon checking the logs (as IP & MAC address) I’m sure you can verify we are TWO DIFFERENT INDIVIDUALS playing two different characters.
    3. Logging onto someone else's character in order to leech your own; as stated before he logged briefly to check his NX count, his character is not capable of leeching someone (because of his level) & by no means he logged into his character in order for me to leech my own.
    4. Removing items from or deleting someone else's character; I’m sure you can corroborate with log, he was only online briefly, checked his NX, DID NOT PURCHASE anything while logging into his account.
    5. Giving an account with a high-leveled character on it to someone else; as stated on point “c”, we are two different individuals playing different accounts.
    6. Committing a bannable offense (other than just account sharing) on someone else's account; He was briefly online & did not commit any violations to T&C.
    7. Wasting staff time by lying about the account sharing; to this point, I must add by this ban appeal I’m trying to explain how things happen in order to prove we do not share accounts.
    8. Sharing your account details with multiple people; I’ve never shared any logging information.

    3. As stated in the same appendix “On any other situations, the default punishment will be a 30 day ban”, I firmly believe this case falls under the “other situations” scenario.

    That being said, as much as I’d like to get back to the game right away, I do understand there was to be some kind of punishment, as stated on point 3 I believe a 30-day ban is fair, however, I’m asking you to review the information, discuss it with the staff's members and get back to me with a decision.
  2. Tim

    Tim Administrator

    Apr 14, 2014
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    dont pretend like he just logged on once at the same time to briefly check nx, this has been going on since 8-12-2020 regularly for hours on end

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