Character Name: DrKris, Chris4ReaL, MarXmaN, CutePaws, SamuraiChris, MaguMaguNoMi, HieHieNoMi, KiiiMePlz, GoroGoroNoMi Last thing you did: AFK at FM Why do you think you got banned?: im not sure Ban message when attempting to log in: This is an ID that has been deleted or blocked from connection. What GM banned you (optional): im not sure
Hey Becca, could you possibly let me know the exact time frame and the amount of nx obtained for my ban?
pretty much between jan 18th 2020 and june 2nd 2020 double votes galore, sometimes on 4 accounts in a day even.
I immediately stopped double voting when a friend pointed it out to me more than 4 months ago. What is the correct procedure when you learn you've been breaking a rule without your knowledge or is there no recourse in such a case?