ALL Your Character Names: TinyLegs, Shruffy,Teeny/WeenyFames(1-460) , SadioMane, JamesMilner,Sedboihrs, JurgenKlopp,NabyKeita,ShruffyHS,ShruffyHS1, TinyIslander,Aurelle,Wiseley,Nakawaru,2poor4u Last thing you did: This i have no idea. Why do you think you got banned?: Robotic Play as said by Muff ( 7 day ban by right) Ban message when attempting to log in: ID Blocked or Deleted What GM banned you (optional): No idea this time
Could you please explain how you obtained the 90 chaos/white scrolls that you have sold in your hired merchant?
Hello Chee, thanks for the reply ! Is this a one day thing or a span throughout the time i've played? Assuming it's a one-day or short period of time(week/month) thing, i genuinely request a recheck on this ban because that is really impossible because the only thing i've been really hoarding for the past months is heartstoppers so it may be overlooked If it's throughout the whole time since I've played this game, i have been voting on and off during my seasonal quits and joins just to do Shrine & CBD Gacha. This is dated really far back when Chaoses and White scrolls cost 300-400m. I didn't have the intention of playing the game actively yet so I'm just constantly voting and gachaing just for fun, occasionally training my lvl 100 priest at GS. I didn't know about prices of perfect weapons and i only acknowledge White Scrolls and Chaos scrolls as valuable items so i only did gacha at NLC and Shrine as such. I usually save up to no more than 5 of each and sell them in FM, then save up again. Just a week before lock-down, i returned to gacha and got a couple CS and was about to save-up for a few weeks again but then lock down happened. Since then, i have been actively playing. A portion of my cs/ws would definitely come from Gacha in NLC/CBD. update from what i just recalled - from the most recent 2x vote event, i manage to hit 4-5 Chaos scrolls using 120k/130k NX For the past months i've been actively playing, i have been doing a lot of chaosing of SCG, FS, ROAs(bought from FM) and i bought a lot of CS/WS. I would resell them back whenever i overbought and this happens frequently because i very often chaos without the white scrolls as a mistake and they return as spares. Also, whenever i get a good chaos session,the items i get from those sessions would be sold off and trades with CS/WS will occur as well. Some key items that i recall having CS /WS in their trades - 9/4 SCG - 14/2 SCG - 20wa SCG - 15wa FS - 86/19 RC - Battle Furies ( i made a switch to C.ilbis because of the hassle to recharge) A huge portion should come from the fame services that i have sold on a daily basis. Payments allowed were apples, white scrolls, chaos scrolls, and onyx apples - aside from mesos. I am definitely sure i have received many more white scrolls & chaoses from there. One key character that i clearly remember was offering either 4 CS/WS for faming 3 of his different characters. IGN : xxxDEVILxxx,xxxBELIEVExxx, and one more with xxx something something (this was before he was banned for RWT, and i remember this because it was the first time someone wanted to fame 3 characters in consecutive days ) I have been selling fame since 5 months ago, every single day without fail, which is my main money source as well. And statistically, i am able to sell on 22/30 days and trades with CS/WS happens often. Throughout my entire playtime, I have received a couple of white scrolls and chaos scrolls but i think they do not amount to more than 10 each throughout my time in royals. 7th Anniversary gave me 3-4 CS from the Treasure map, and i only sold 2-3 Chaoses from Zakum. Although these may be smaller numbers but i really really hope they add up if put together to form a bigger picture. I am comfortable with my pace and the amount of mesos i'm making per day for the past few months and by no means will i ever resort to RWT.
Hi, thanks for your detailed response! You mentioned that you bought a lot of CS/WS to scroll items and resold them whenever you bought too many. Do you remember which character you did all of that trading on? As for the items that you have listed above that involved trades with CS/WS, how did you obtain them? Did you scroll them on your own or did you merch them? You also stated that you are definitely sure that you have received many more CS/WS, among other methods of payment, from selling fame on a daily basis - could you please try to recall who traded you with those high value items, specifically the CS/WS as that would involve a large amount of fames and thus shouldn't be too difficult for you to remember. You further stated "Throughout my entire playtime, I have received a couple of white scrolls and chaos scrolls but i think they do not amount to more than 10 each throughout my time in royals". What do you mean by this? Did you receive them from your friends or were they from events like you stated later on?
You mentioned that you bought a lot of CS/WS to scroll items and resold them whenever you bought too many. Do you remember which character you did all of that trading on? - Mainly on Shruffy, but i mostly buy through FM shops As for the items that you have listed above that involved trades with CS/WS, how did you obtain them? Did you scroll them on your own or did you merch them? - All the items mentioned above are self scrolled (SCGs were done with 3 SCG and 3 CS) 15 fs upgrade from 12 fs then sold in the end due to chaos addiction, (this was the key change to my fortune as well as the last one that gave me this much income) and i don't really merch, 20 SCG and 86/19 RC given by Armelle after he quit. There's definitely more items that may have included CS/WS besides these few but i really can't remember because i don't really record down my trades as i thought there was really no need for me to do so.. You also stated that you are definitely sure that you have received many more CS/WS, among other methods of payment, from selling fame on a daily basis - could you please try to recall who traded you with those high value items, specifically the CS/WS as that would involve a large amount of fames and thus shouldn't be too difficult for you to remember. - This is the hardest to remember.. i really can't possibly remember all their IGN.. You further stated "Throughout my entire playtime, I have received a couple of white scrolls and chaos scrolls but i think they do not amount to more than 10 each throughout my time in royals". What do you mean by this? Did you receive them from your friends or were they from events like you stated later on? - Received free on TinyLegs and Shruffy - Obtained a handful from Events and Boss. Everything i say is based off what i recall because i really didn't see a need to record everything down as long as i know i took the effort to make my fame mules, grind my heart stoppers, do my apqs every single day. So i really don't recall the trades that help add up the 90 cs/ws because there were too many trades. In terms of mesos, I earn about 1.5b daily from fame/hs/apqs to fund my chaos sessions. So there was really zero need for me to go and RWT as i've been playing everyday to hit that quota.
Sorry for the delay in responding to your appeal. You mentioned that you received a handful of CS/WS for free on your characters with the IGNs of TinyLegs and Shruffy. Could you please give me a list of IGNs of people who have provided you with the scrolls and why they have done so? Please note that we are just trying to get an explanation as to where and how you obtained such a large volume of CS/WS as that was what triggered the ban on you. Therefore, any information on any transactions and/or gifts from people involving CS/WS would assist us in our investigation.
Thanks Chee for the reply. Most of the things i do in the early stages of the game are really just to get benefits as long as i know i wasn't breaking the rules, that being said i was aware of the rules and whatever i say earlier are merely what i recall because i really do not keep any logs of trades/hire shop screenshots or anything else except for guild pictures because i intended to play the game legitly. Anything i say from this point on may change your perspective, and that i may have indirectly RWT-ed because of my association with this player. But i thought it was going to be fine as long as i knew i didn't spend on them personally - i only knew i could be in trouble after he was banned for RWT but thought it was okay since it was so many months back and i didn't get ban the same time as him since i was associated with him at the time. This part of the evidence missing from my argument might be the one that makes the decision. A large majority of CS/WS was indeed obtained with no effort. I received a relatively large amount of CS/WS from one of my friends i made in-game. His main IGN is : XStelias or something very similar, and i received it from his mule Icebabywow or something very similar as well. But before he got banned, i thought he was legitly strong and had no idea he was related to RWT. Can the motivation for why he gave me the CS/WS be sent in PM? The reason is very personal as it involves both him as well as people who are still playing the game and i don't wish to shine a bad light on anyone that has been banned or still playing the game that is not participating in rulebreaking besides him. Thank you ! P/S : Sorry for beating around the bush in the appeal - a large part of it were just reminders/recalls from friends with better memory and didn't know what other evidence to show besides APQ/HS/Fame services and the very rare occasions of profit scrolling. You already know the numbers and what was going on already. There’s no need to say what i had to say earlier since those numbers don’t even add up to at least a 60. But I believe this is what you’re looking for. I have only received CS/WS from him and nothing else. I hope i have done nothing terribly wrong and if so, i plead leniency. I hope my effort is recognized and that I have been putting the most effort into my growth. Even what he gave me back then could be earned back in a matter of less than a month, maybe even 2 weeks had i just decide to do what i planned to do. That’s all, and i hope this helps to clear my name. Thank you Tim and Chee.
Sorry! just wanted to check if there are any other information you need me to provide to help assist in the investigation. Thank you!
it doesnt make sense to us that you're receiving large quantities of chaos and white scrolls from a mule character for free at specific dates without you chatting to the characters or having them on your friendslist. we believe you werent indirectly involved in RWT but rather the more direct route.