All Your Character Names: bunnybunz, bunnybunzz, aznbunny, bunnybunbunz Last thing you did: Hi! I logged on for a few minutes yesterday to retrieve items from NPC Frederick in the free market. Why do you think you got banned?: I'm not sure since I haven't played a lot lately. I decided to take a break from the game two weeks ago. I've logged in maybe twice since then when I was at my friend's house. Maybe it was suspected I got hacked since it's not where I usually play? Ban message when attempting to log in: "This is an ID that has been deleted or blocked from connection." Please let me know when you can, thanks in advance, GM's
Hi, I wanted to follow up if there's anything that can be done about my friend's account. We got banned on the same day so I'm guessing it was my fault. I don't mind that my account was banned, but I feel bad if he isn't able to play anymore if it's because I logged in at his house. Should he make a separate ban appeal? Thank you! *EDIT: he has since posted his own ban appeal username "skete"
We have reviewed your case again, however, I regret to inform you that we cannot lower your ban duration due to the severity of your infraction.