ALL Your Character Names: OhArchie , Archied (both account are banned) others i dont remember, its been a while. Last thing you did: dont remember its been too long Why do you think you got banned?: no idea, got banned apparently while i wasnt even playing Ban message when attempting to log in: ID has been deleted or block from connection What GM banned you (optional): no idea please let me know what happened or what should I do, thanks alot I'd like to get back into mapleroyals
may I know why you have suspicion of RWT, I honnestly never bought mesos, the only thing I did was selling leech and leeching my own other account (archied) I'v sold leech to people on the mapleroyals discord (for mesos in game not real money), is this considered RWT? i mean if you guys dont want to unbanned my account I'd understand, and go on, but if possible please unbaning my accounts would be nice, thanks alot
I have sent a request to our admins to verify something on their end. I will respond when I hear back from them.
I don’t remember what I did back almost a year ago, I don’t even remember what gear I’m wearing right now, but I for sure know if I got these items it was bought from someone in FM thats for sure, I never did real world trading, I mostly played alone and leeched others in your server, I have nothing to hide, the only reason I wanted to get back in your server was for the nostalgia but if its too complicated I’ll just go play on another one, either unban me or not the ban isn’t accurate, so I have nothing more to explain here, thank you so much for your time the ball is on your side sir
Unfortunately that does not match what our logs show. Our logs show that you received them from a known RWTer. Your ban will remain unfortunately. We wish you the best with your future endeavors.