All Your Character Names: HumanFart, Farti Last thing you did: Receive items from friend Why do you think you got banned?: i think you might think i did RWT Ban message when attempting to log in: This ID has been deleted or blocked from connection. What GM banned you (optional): Hi. I have a friend that give me form their free will items. They are good friend of mine and they gave me this items for good start. That is prohibited?
I dont remember their IGN. is that important? i can ask them. they gave me cape 24 att fs 13 att illbis pink cape 8\9 att i dont remember claws glove 15 att and bathrobe
Yes, what is wrong with that? should i remember all the ign of all my real life friends? as i say. i can ask them, its not a problem.
You were indeed banned for suspicion of RWT. It seems very unlikely that a "friend" gave you a 24 attack cape. We will need their IGN along with when/where you received the items from them.
Since you banned me for accepting this items, they preper not to let me say their ign , we didnt know that helping new friend that start to play in your server is against your policy. What is wrong with give items for close friend? They almost not playing maple anymore (they do play but not as much they use to), so that why they gave me those items. Ask yourself this, if a close friend started to play maple, and i want him to have a great start, are its illegel to help them?
Giving money to a friend that you met online for 15 minutes doesn't count. FYI, your so-called friend was also banned earlier. With that being said, your appeal is denied.