All Your Character Names: cookiechoco Last thing you did: Logged in after taking a 2 week-ish break due to studies to play with friend, did like 2 level ups at singapore trucker spawns? Why do you think you got banned?: Honestly nothing I can think of. Maybe geforce experience app? But I always had this running and never had issues, nor does it actually do anything while it runs maplestory. I really don't understand what caused this. I'm just a newcomer that wants to play with friend from time to time. If I had any programs or hacks running I would have reaped in unbelievable benefits/profits.. check my account, I'm just a newcomer Ban message when attempting to log in: "Your account has been blocked for hacking or illegal use of third-party programs. The ID has been permanently blocked. So you won't be able to use this account." What GM banned you (optional): No idea.
Hi there! It appears you were flagged for major vote abuse on our end. I will pass this over to the Admins just to verify and confirm that was the case just to make sure this isn't a false positive ban. It may take awhile for them to respond as they are busy but rest assured they will respond when they can.