ALL Your Character Names: orphankicker, muhphet, pillowbiter2, FARTxINHALER, spaink, LordxGaebich, spangk, Fasholy, himenofan35, SW4MPM3AT, ZAZAMONSTR, AnitaBath, SeymoreButts, GWillikers, JennaTools, HarryCox, JackInnov, munch1, munch2 ... munch36, stan001, stan002 ... and a bunch of storage mules Last thing you did: Duo Shao Why do you think you got banned?: No clue Ban message when attempting to log in: This is an ID that has been deleted or blocked from connection. What GM banned you (optional):
Hi there. You have an inappropriate IGN that will need to be changed. IGN is BusterHymen. Please suggest 3 alternative IGNs and we will process your name change request in the next server check.
Oh lol my bad, that character was on one of my accounts before I deleted it and my girlfriend @sickosake took the name. Here are the alternative IGNs she wanted: weedaroma JRPGNPC SnugglePuff8 Thanks