ALL Your Character Names: Hotbird, have 2 other small mages but forgot the ign Last thing you did: Scrolling some equip Why do you think you got banned?: don't know Ban message when attempting to log in: "This is an ID that has been deleted or blocked from connection." What GM banned you (optional):
Hi there. Please answer the following questions. Please list ALL your IGNs. When did you first start playing MapleRoyals? What level is your highest level character?
Please list ALL your IGNs. : I don't recall my other 2 character igns, can i share the account login id for you to check? When did you first start playing MapleRoyals?: About 1 month What level is your highest level character? : 71
For someone that's been playing for 3 weeks, you own a lot of Ring of Alchemists (RoA), Facestompers (FS) and Stormcaster Gloves (SCG). Where did you obtain all of these?
I crafted stormcaster glove and facestomper from nlc(recipe) and omega sector (npc exchange) , for ring of alchemist I crafted them at magantia(npc exchange)
I bought some of them from FM using owl and some of them were bought/gacha-ed and given to me by my friend CindyLee as he is the one that invited me to play this server and taught me how to craft these items. To clarify the relationship between me and my friend, we met in another server in the past and he found this server fun so he invited me to play this server as well. Is it illegal to craft these gears and sell them for a profit? I can do a rough price breakdown of how much each item cost to craft and sold for some profit.