Character Name: Avaron Ban message when attempting to log in: It just doesn't connect to the server. I'm not even sure if I'm banned, because I don't think I have any reason to be. But I've got the same struggle connecting to the server as a person that is being banned. I would like to play again if possible. Thanks!
One of your MAC addresses is 00-00-00-00-00-00. You need to display your MAC address to us to be able to play (there are a lot of MAC ban's on that one since some hackers used it to hide theirs). You should be able to log in from the other computer you played from fine.
I only have one laptop, I don't really get how it can change to 00-00-00-00-00-00, is there some way to change it?
There probably is if you google around a bit, I have no idea what computer setup you've got so I can't help you there
I tried logging in from a different computer in a different house and it worked just fine. And I've never had any problem with my account before this either. My 'macbook' says it only has one MAC address and that's not a 00-00-00-00-00-00 one. I really hope you can help me further since I have absolutely no idea how to fix this and I'd really like to play again.
Can you inbox me your MAC address by following these steps (don't just post it here): 1. Click on the Windows Logo in the bottom left corner. 2. In the search box, type in cmd and press enter. 3. In the command prompt, type in getmac (with no spaces) and push enter. 4. The MAC address is labeled Physical Address (denoted by a yellow box below).