Character Name: Pages Last thing you did: Uhh...was in Henesys or FM. Why do you think you got banned?: It's under the assumption that I am Habibi, which I am not. Ban message when attempting to log in: "Your account has been permanently banned for serious violation of the rules. Therefore you will be unable to use this account. Details: TimK permanently banned habibi. Profane language (three offenses)" What GM banned you (optional): TimK apparently. I've had this problem before, but recently I moved houses; so after the IP was changed because of the different location, I was able to play on my account again. I had never been banned, just my brother who is habibi. Then after some time off, with school coming around and other plans, I returned to play again just now and it says I was banned. If it makes any difference, I know several people who can vouch for me and say that I was on between the time of my move and prior to my ban; and I know another player who was in a similar situation, his brother was IP banned for a short duration but then he moved and could start playing again. Alright that's all, thanks for reading my appeal.
No I am not. With his ban, I figured that he would be unable to play. And I've never seen him play Royals. Whenever I come by, I just see him playing League of Legends or CS:GO. Is it possible to just unban my account? I mean, previously, I was aware that he got perm-banned; so I just didn't log into Royals for fear that my account would also be banned, since the system would recognise it as another account on the same IP trying to log in. So, sure, I wouldn't be able to play Royals on this IP anymore (which sucks terribly now that I think about it LOL); but I'd still be able to access it from another computer or something? Or if there's another way where I could still play, that would be awesome too.
OK, this is roughly what's going on. It looks like you got a new computer back in May and started playing Royals on it on 13th May. Then, on the 7th June, your brother started playing from your computer, until someone found that he was online and banned him. It's also possible that this is his computer and you were playing Royals over at his place. Could you PM me with the MAC addresses of any computers which are YOURS, please?
Wait no. My brother and I share one computer, I don't have my own computer. Around the time you mentioned that I said I had gotten a new computer was around the time I had moved. And when someone moves their location, their IP will change. So that's how I could access Royals, because my brother wasn't MAC banned. Or at least I don't think he was. I was saying that I'd access my account from another computer (i.e. my cousin) and play from there, because I hadn't tried to log in while my brother was banned prior to our move. However, I hadn't known that my brother had gotten back onto Royals recently; so when I tried to log into Royals yesterday, the system had recognised me as trying to log into a banned computer and banned my account as a result. So what I'm asking is, that if there isn't an alternative (or until I get my own computer and relieve my MAC address), that I can have my account be unbanned. JUST my account. I don't know if you get what I'm saying...
I really appreciate your cooperation with me though Katsuruka, thank you. I just get irritated when I'm on the receiving end of the consequences of my brother's carelessness.
OK, I have good reason to believe that you're telling the truth and that you and your brother are separate people - ie that you're not him, trying to ban evade. Unfortunately, our bans are by IP address (your home network) and MAC address (your computer), so we're unable to unban you while you're still using your brother's computer and living in the same house. If you move out and also get your own computer, then PM us with your new IP and MAC address, and post a link to this thread. Otherwise, there is nothing we can do, I'm afraid. =(