Hello, i want to make an appleal. My firend XFrozenX asked for a ban of 120days (4 months) and that prejudiced me. Time ago he teached me how to play when i was going to play to his home on his pc until the last july 5 i was there. After that i went traveling and when i arrived home i noticed that i was banned. I want know if i can be unbanned or just ban me for " acc sharing " instead of 120 days ban. Thank you very much for your attention IGN: Golduck IMAGE: http://subefotos.com/ver/?ea2fd8353e685a21f8fa35f919436607o.jpg#codigos
What happened was that by giving a ban by four months to xFrozenX ban all accounts that came to open on your computer, and I played many times with my account on your computer, but then I went traveling and when I wanted to play in my computer came already had a ban by four months, he never had my own so I could not be a "acc shar" but should they so prefer to wait 30 days to 120 days which is the ban that I have now
Please PM me with your own IP and MAC address. You can easily find your IP via any IP lookup site. To find your MAC address, follow the instructions here: http://www.wikihow.com/Find-the-MAC-Address-of-Your-Computer
Now I am traveling, I usually travel constantly, but some places I travel like me to play for a Royal's time, but the result of this ban can not, therefore, if you will take it as "acc sharing" prefer to wait 1 month ban 120 days ..
From what you've said, you haven't account shared. However, your friend XFrozenX wishes to remain banned, and we need to make sure your MAC and IP addresses are a) not the same as his and b) are yours and don't belong to anyone else.
I understand, I'll talk to my brother so you can make a screenshot to the ip of my internet and my pc, I hope to send it tomorrow and so I can solve my request, thank you very much for your attention Kat <3 XD
Hey @Katsuruka , just send the pictures to your message box, I hope to have an answer, thank you very much and hope to return to the game
You should be able to login now. Or rather, when you are next able to get to a computer with Maple Royals on it.