Character Name:Carltan Last thing you did:i was on free market watching stuff, before of that i used gachapon on mushroom shrine, then after 4 days i try to login and the bann message appear. Why do you think you got banned?: your MAC address has been banned because the character 'er7ij56uhe' has been banned for hitting 1755 on a snail at lvl 1. That was the especified reason from gm but i dont have a character with that name. Ban message when attempting to log in:you were banned permanently for a violation of terms. What GM banned you (optional):Tim
i didn't give my acc to my friends i dont trust on they, i never played on ohther pc, only on my laptop.
If the character who was banned for hacking wasn't one of your friends and wasn't you, then who was it?
i dont know, for that reason i posted my ban appeal, i were playing with my thief only didn't use antoher char except my cleric of my other acc but only for few min and he is lvl 64, idk why i was banned for hit snail 1755, and with lvl 1 character, i dont have chars lv 1
Do you mainly play from home or from a more public network eg school/college/uni/library/internet cafe?
According to our database, someone hacked from your computer and from the same ip as you. Not only that, but their email address is remarkably similar to yours (same name, different numbers) and their account name sounds like it's probably yours, too. Your ban will remain.