Character Name: SSJ2 Last thing you did: dont rememeber exactly i just came back from holiday but i think i was doing some of the pre quests for horntail Why do you think you got banned?: I dont have a clue.... maybe being so active like hours and hours and hours a day, then not logging in at all because of holiday Ban message when attempting to log in: Suspiscious activity What GM banned you (optional): TimK
So you trained a knuckle pirate from lvl 1 to 122 in three days with only a lvl 64 knuckle and a zakum helmet (which you also found the time/money to obtain in those three days) and you were preparing yourself for horntail? All of this was done on a hidden MAC address as well and given the circumstances (some other guy was attempting the same with hacking on a pirate to farm Horntail books) it's hard to believe that you did all of that legit.
bro wheres my trial, innocent till prooven guilty ! where would we be in life if we just gave out the dealth penalty as soon as someone looks suspicious !! u say 3 days.... if i choose to have no life and play 72 hours straight no breaks, no messing around talking and fm, just straight hardcore levelling, funded by friends..... so what? someone else who has a life and only plays for 2 hours a day after work could have spread the same gameplay time over a month and i bet that wouldnt have looked suspicious.... I used to sell powerlevelling in real maplestory many years ago, for a reason.
oh and i wasnt preparing myself for horntail at lvl 122, just doing the prequest, same way as people do the pre quests for zakum at 70 but dont do it just then... anyway I can slow down if im embarrasing 'pros'