Character Name: AyyyLmao Last thing i did : LPQ Why did you think you were banned?: Because i made a simple joke that i tell to everyone and that one guy snitched on me over a simple joke and then i got banned for a joke that all my friends find funny. What GM banned me : Dimitri
The vulgarity of what you said is not a joke. Even if you think something like that is okay to say, we do not and will not tolerate such language on our server.
It just seems a little too far im not talking about rape or murder, im not being racist, and its not even in a serious tone bro how could someone confuse that for verbal abuse, and it wasnt serious either because i backed out when he came in just to try to be funny
Its ironic because you dont get banned or penalized for scamming someone , but if someone says a joke and gets offended appearantly they get instant banned with no type of conversations or meetings at all
We have no tolerance towards the f and the c word. What you've said may be a joke among your friends or within your culture, but in general it's just offensive and unnecessary and thus should not be said towards people you don't know.