Character Name: I8Plus Last thing you did: Gain level Why do you think you got banned?: I have been used "Internet Accelerator" Before server instability, After being found abnormal speed, I'm so sorry. Please give me a opportunity! I really did not intend to use hacking. I'm hoping to be spared! thanks. Ban message when attempting to log in: your account has been permanently banned for serious violation of the rules. therefore you will be unable to use this account. What GM banned you (optional): John Please give me a opportunity! John, I'm so sorry, I really like it here, You have worked hard!
You had continual high scores of fast attack on our system's cheat logger which is much higher than ever seen by a normal player of your class/level. In addition, I witnessed you doing this odd vac hacking where mobs would magically jump closer to you so you didn't have to move and attack them. Unless you have some explanation for this, the only logical conclusion between what I saw and what the system logged was that you were using some sort of hacks.
I turn Job After into this map, one began to feel abnormal, But how do I go in this map is to see his teammates. Perhaps caused by abnormal server, cause I have these problems supplement: Only after I reconnect still goes on map
Nothing was abnormal about the server. There was no lag that would have explained what you were doing. You will not be unbanned.
I am not a local player, will be some delay on the Internet, I and my friends have this problem I entered a strange space, I can not leave!
我曾經嘗試使用網路加速嘗試提升網路速度, 導致系統判定我為黑客, 然而我今天進入異常空間, 我並不知情, 我的朋友告訴我我在異常空間, 過沒多久我就被凍結了, 我承認伺服器不穩之前有使用過網路加速, 但是純粹是想更完美體驗遊戲, 我被凍結之後非常懊惱, 雖然GM們很辛苦不諒解, 但是我在之後深思很久, 希望可以網開一面, 讓我恢復遊戲繼續體驗, 我真的不是故意要使用網路加速, 純粹只是伺服器不穩而用! 造成誤判我覺得我也無話可說, 希望可以給個機會解鎖! 我將會回饋給大家, 在此感謝各位GM的辛苦