Sure, that is fine. Sorry for everyone who got involved. I just wanted to start a clean slate but apparently the GMs won't allow that. I just want to clear some things out if you please. I did not threaten the Server with a DDoS, there was a clear "Just Kidding" under the message you guys see from the screen shot. It was a clear joke to Mike because his goal was level 200 and I just wanted to mess with him by saying he won't be able to log on the server again. To the Vote Abuse I had, again, I am confused on why there was 7 votes in one day. I only own 4 accounts with my cousin, niece, and nephew. They do not have any other accounts because I made their accounts for them using my information. I am unsure but I feel like it is more the fact that you guys do not want me to be on the server than me doing anything against the rules. There is no rule stating that for each member in a household only 1 person is able to vote per day. They each used their Phone's 3g network to vote, each of their vote constant to their IP. I believe you guys are viewing how many votes are being logged on for a single IP address that the characters are logged on to, correct me if I am wrong. I really enjoy this server and it is pretty fun so I do not want it to go down. I am going to attempt once more to play the game in peace. I hope to see my fellow Royalers online shortly.