Character Name: YangWei Last thing you did: Leeching my friend GuanWei78 and LazD Why do you think you got banned?: I think that gm thinks I am another account of GuanWei78 because we use the same IP. But he is my friend,and he come to my home play mapleroyals together with same Wi-Fi from yesterday. And I have two computers one is Windows,the other is MacOS,Windows is better to use,so sometimes we use same computers that cause same mac address. You can confirm that we are two people by checking past login IPs, there have much differents,thx Ban message when attempting to log in: Your account has been temporarily banned for botting. The ban expires on Sat. 3 Sep 2016 18:10:01(GMT). Detail: Fergus temporarily banned GuanWei78 What GM banned you (optional): Fergus