당신의 캐릭터 이름 : Felstriker / XOX0X0XOX 마지막으로 한 것 : papullatus를 죽이고 fm으로 가십시오 왜 당신이 금지되었다고 생각하십니까? : 로그인 시도 할 때 vpn Ban 메시지를 사용할 수 있습니다 : 이것은 삭제되었거나 연결에서 차단 된 ID 한국에서 게임을 할 때 속도가 너무 느려서 VPN을 사용하여 IP 주소를 많이 변경했습니다.
Your character name : Felstriker / XOX0X0XOX Last thing I did: kill papullatus and go to fm. Why do you think you're banned? : You can use the vpn Ban message when attempting to log in: This is an ID that has been deleted or blocked from the connection. When I played games in Korea, I changed my IP address a lot using VPN.
I misinterpreted the meaning. I'm sorry for my poor English.What does it mean to you where you come from? It's my character. I think someone set up a trap for our guild. Perhaps those who hate us have called.
My job is a licensed real estate agent. When I was working in China, I completed the Bishop Genesis quest in 2016, and I quit it for a while in 2017. When I came to my hometown, Korea, in 2020, I started playing games again and made and raised Night Road with the capital I had saved up to now. What's the problem?
It's really easy to lie on KakaoTalk. There are some Korean guilds who exterminate our guilds because of their discord. Don't trust them. Stand neutral. I just want to relax in the aftermath of Corona and enjoy the game. In the evening, I'll post a fabricated picture. Then you'll admit...
Do you see this? You can make a picture of Kakao Talk manipulation in just 10 minutes. I would like to say that if you look at the KakaoTalk data that someone gave you and believe that I bought the item for 600 dollars in Korean money, it's really great. I know you've been keeping your servers great for years, and there's something rather harsh about them. But it's just a conspiracy. Please release my Ben.
Give me just one sentence. Anyone can make a criminal. -Paul Joseph Goebbels- I'm not a criminal! Please don't be fooled by the instigation!
Then I've done everything I can to prove, but why won't you untie Ben.... I have to bring something more....?
So the witness and game data are shared only by gm? It's like the Middle Ages, isn't it? There's no way for me to be released if you're the ones who are sacrificed by good people with the evidence and words of the high people, and you're the ones who don't see, listen, and speak. Keep up the good work. There are no lawyers, but there are several judges. Evil laws are also law. -Socrates- This is the end. The bitter, bitter end..........in my life....