Character Name: DioRx Last thing you did: LMPQ Why do you think you got banned?: I defame someone. If brazilians can't speak português on smegas, why when we talking in FM or anywhere, someone translate to mexican or whatever and keep repeating to us ? Do you think that's not offensive like a defame or more ? And if we can't defame why have fame sistem ? Ban message when attempting to log in: Banned temporarily for 3 days What GM banned you (optional): John
You got banned for mass defaming someone you had an argument with. You haven't posted any evidence of any offense towards you so there's nothing we can do for you there.
Look, that's a unfair reason to give a ban, i don't desrespected or insulted someone, i just defame him, tell me, what the real reason ? You can have many accounts to fame yourself or someone like him, but you can't defame someone ? What a useless reason to ban and reason to ask for unban, i didn't do nothing.
Harassment ? without words ? and any insult ? Just let me play Tim, please, i didn't nothing, he did and know that, i promisse i never fame or defame someone after this.
Harassment can have many forms, it doesn't have to be words. You will be able to play again after you served your 3 day ban.
Ok Tim, thank you, im out, i will not wait this ban over and i know i didn't nothing. This is a complete useless reason to ban and i hope you fix that bull shit about ''mass defame''.