All Your Character Names: probably Czarek2502, and DamjanTaps on other account Last thing you did: quitted few years ago Why do you think you got banned?: probably hacker got into account and do something illegal Ban message when attempting to log in: account was deleted or blocked What GM banned you (optional): I quitted few years ago. Cant log in on DamjanTaps account, someone probably changed password. On Czarek-something account have message about deletion/ban.
One account for sure have DamjanTaps, probably also DamianTaps, damian2502 and Damjan. Maybe also other Damian-something. Second account was probably Czarek2502. I think there was another low level char, also Czarek-something. Its been long time ago. If you have any forum logs, I had conversation with one of GMs, 1 july 2014 where one of you believed i was owner. Sorry for bad english.
Thank you for the information. I have forwarded your Appeal to an Admin for further investigation. Please be patient while your appeal is looked at.
please change your account details on the control panel, you should be able to log in again afterwards. to read more about your situation check: