Character Name: DayServant, PackaPunch, Classibow Last thing you did: Slipped on a banana peel and fell. Why do you think you got banned?: They told me this incident renders me unable to play royals and it won't be until 12-21-18 that I fully recover. Ban message when attempting to log in: Those banana peels are a serious epidemic guys, look at how many here are affected! Properly dispose of them please! What GM banned you (optional): Insert :Jae emotes: here Fortunately, my situation isn't as serious as many of the others here. My heart goes out to all those who couldn't make it. Thankfully this will let me get away to ponder about life and stuff. I am aware I can't return before this date thanks to my diagnosis. Still waiting to hear back from my insurance provider though, goddamn health-care from the land of freedoms.