Hello, I am suspicious I accidentally voted more than once in one day, which I unintentionally did, and caused a ban on my accounts. I miss playing MapleRoyals. I promise I won't double vote again. ALL Your Character Names: Bishopleech1 Last thing you did: I don't know Why do you think you got banned?: Voting on multiple accounts Ban message when attempting to log in: Your account has been blocked for using illegal programs or violating the game policy. You can login after Jan/26/25 5:51am What GM banned you (optional): I don't know
Hi there. You were banned for a 2nd offense objectionable behaviour, harassment. You can log back in on 26th Jan 2025 at 5:51am.
Hello, thank you for the response. Can you provide context as to the ban? Information of the first and second offense would be appreciated. Thank you once again