Character Name: EskimoJoe Last thing you did:Spamming blizzard Why do you think you got banned?:For attacking in the room the gm warped me & unable to respond Ban message when attempting to log in:You are permanently banned So you cant use this account. What GM banned you (optional):Kaii Hello,I was recently banned by GM *(Kaii) as i wasn't reading the chat on my alt to buff myself on ,While he asked me to respond i was mindlessly spamming blizzard with one finger barely concious watching my late night shows ,Now this isnt the first time gm's have come and asked if i was there,since im not in the best physical condition in rl I can waste alot of time doing absolutely nothing ( hence leeching @ newts aimelessly) I've probably have played this game under the influence more so than i should & i know if i was fully alert something as stupid as this wouldn't happen. When the gm warped me i didnt notice the change of maps & when I try'd to respond my chat bar i couldnt change chat tabs from party chat or click the (ALL chat ) with my mouse & ended up logging myself out on my i/l... Since the screeen resolution is the only one that works for this computer,I cannot read or see all chat/hp/mp bars or anything on the lower half of my screen,Otherwise i will get this error blocking my screen . I would never use any hacking devices as i have spent a fair amount of time here the past 3 I think almost 4 years now off & on from breaks,I've met a fair share of interesting chill nice diverse people in the community and befriended some almost as if i were to know them in rl & wouldnt throw that away by using hacks.I would appreciate if you were to re-consider my ban as a pernament ban seems very harsh.
Thanks for the reply,The 7-day ban is a bit of a relief but still leaves a sour taste in my mouth that I have a ban record & could potentially be banned for the same dumb reason the next time i decided to start accessing the game again.Regardless of what I say there's no real way to prove my actions in the physical world except for what you guys can see from your side of things. I'm not going to deny that the way i play games sometimes probably does look the same as a hacking tool for botting,I only chose to grind @ newts because of the low amount of effort you need to put in,Stand in one spot,buff when you remember to & hold that Attack button down for eternity.This game was made back in 2003? This is a very basic and simplistic game where there's no actualy reason to give yourself eye cancer staring at the same unchanging background or mobs just for the chance for the ''virtual jackpot item drop'',Half the time when im playing ill be fully medicated watching a program or listening to music & just close my eyes & relax.With myself in an almost meditative state 1minute & 10minutes can feel like the same thing ,yet I still keep that pesty finger on attack for this great drug we call maplestory. I dislike making walls of texts or any comments online since it serves very lil purpose & end up getting you no where in the end,But as i've spent a fair share of time here the past few years & made some un expected friends along the way I wouldn't want to lose instant connections with anyone i became buds with. I haven't always agreed with some of your bans in the past as ive had friends along the way that got banned for obscure silly reasons from my point of view but i digress, I do respect most of the ideals & rules you have set for the server & wouldn't want this game to become like GMS was hackers & botters running rampant everywhere. But even with the amount of hackers that ran & still do run wild on gms,I remember nexon introducing a ''Second chance policy'' for people who were actually hackers & were perm banned to be able to rejoin even after all their past mistakes.The time ive been here i had always enjoyed it for the most part,But there's just not that massive big community like GMS use to have .With the amount of people i've seen banned over my time here I feel as if you guys have more people banned for one reason or an other then are actually allowed to play ingame.Sure it may say 1000+ players are online,but in reality it could be half of that since most people have alts,or buff mules/fm store mules/stopper farming mules,you name it.Some sort of staff discussion on allowing Ex-Perma banned players might help bring some more life into the game after the disaster that happened last january......Cheeers if you manage to live through the dark ages ~ So basically what the main goal of this horrifying wall of text is to re-consider the 7-day ban as I don't really feel like i was doing anything that wrong,I'm not at the mall or away from the computer letting some program bot for me,I'm sitting here just barely paying attention..If that still falls under '''botting behavior then so be it, Live & let die I'll serve my time in virtual jail time of the 7 days. Thanks for your time & reading my 2 cents,You gm's do alot of hard work I couldn't and wouldn't want to do,So cheeers TY for building a game many people have enjoyed when they were younger and couldnt enjoy anymore cause of nexon.Peace Have a good one ~