I tried logging back online and my account was banned. please let me know what happened and how to undo. My character names are Sqar and FNScar17. The last thing i remember doing was bossing at Pap. Idk what gm banned me or what for Message shown when logging in: This is an ID that has been deleted or blocked from connection.
You were permanently banned for soliciting rwt. Would you like to explain the origin of your items and meso?
No I meant rwt as you used real-world currency to purchase in-game items such as the 15att PAC you got out of nowhere
Can you walk us through the process in detail such as the time stamps? how many scrolls did you use and buy, what was the scroll outcome of each? When did it happen? What did you scroll?
I bought a 6 att PAC 5 slots, I saved chaos scrolls for this specific cape. Doing ZAK to obtain CS and gach. I used 5 CS and it went from 11, down to 10. 2 failed and then I got it to 15
Your claim does not match our records at all. Our records show that you obtained them from a known rwt seller. With that being said, your appeal is denied.
This was about a month or so ago, I haven’t been in much the past month because I’m in the national guard and have been away for training