Your Character Names0p0 Last thing you didlayed the game Why do you think you got banned?:I ran into the couple of rude people that first invited me into party because they were farming the map.After I've ignored their request they told me to cc because "they owned this channel" quoting there.After I've moved to different parts of the map one of them chased me,I bet it was the moment when he recorded me 'ksing' or that's what he claimed he was doing. Ban message when attempting to log in:Your account has been blocked for using illegal programs or violating the game policy What GM banned you (optional):I have no idea
When someone has map ownership, they can tell you to leave the map if they want to. If you don't follow their request and keep killing, you can be banned for that, which is what happened. You were banned for 3 days since this is your first offense. If you see a blue message showing that a map is owned by someone, that's because the command ~mapowner was used. If you're unsure whether a map is empty, use that command instead of just killing enemies in it.
I've just browsed the rules and stumbled upon the /mapowner command which I didn't know about previously.I have no idea if the annoying person had it on or not,being clueless to it's existence.However I'm not able to play any channel but the first one because it kicks me out of the game once I'm trying to login into any other channel.I haven't found any solution for it on forums apart of changing my internet provider.Since playing only on the first channel allowed for me I don't see myself avoiding the ks with /mapowner command since the first channel is kinda flooded with people on every map.In other words I don't see myself not violating this specific rule. Regardless to that,thanks for pointing the reason why I was banned.
I'm glad you browsed through the rules, and you'll be welcomed back in 3 days when your ban expires. 2020-05-06 at 11:26am server time