ALL Your Character Names: ItuHunter, ItuHS, ItuCorsair, ItuShadower, ItuThief, ItuBucc, ItuPaladin, ItuHB, ItuFP1 through ItuFP10, ItuEtc1 through ItuEtc12 or something, ItuMisc, ItuOres, ItuHero, ItuBowman, maybe that's all? Last thing you did: Have only been logging for VL and social stuff these last weeks. Why do you think you got banned?: So I can't go to VL in 5 hours? Idk it's only one of my IDs that's getting this (the one for ItuHunter). Ban message when attempting to log in: This is an ID that has been deleted or blocked from connection. Please check again. What GM banned you (optional): TimK banning me irl is my fantasy What did nexon mean by this?