ALL Your Character Names: Joiboi, MidoriBoshi, Fuppy, Puffing, SozinComet and more mules Last thing you did: rose garden Why do you think you got banned?: - Ban message when attempting to log in: blocked/deleted What GM banned you (optional): - I have tried to reset my router before making this post thanks
yep I admit Juval was my character around 3 years ago. Just to clarify; it was not vote abuse. Me and my friend were new to the server (roughly 2 weeks iirc) and we did not see the difference between people multi-clienting with their mules and account sharing. So when I needed to hold my FM spot for a few minutes, i asked him for his details and did it with his account. And these 10 minutes got us perma banned. I have handled the previous appeal very poorly (out of guilt of getting my friend banned as well), although i believe it might have ended differently if I didn’t. Guess it doesn’t matter now. This is not me asking for an unban. I guess this is a good time to quit anyway. Thanks everyone who played or bossed with me, it’s been very fun! I hope royals continues to grow. Gg
Hi again. After careful consideration I would like to kindly request a follow-up. I'll try to keep this as short as possible. I was very indecisive as to whether or not i should even try this, but upon many friend linking me the latest case of Dez (can't remember his ign), i came to the conclusion it's at-least worth a request of a re-consideration of the staff. I do not intend to stir up any dramas or accusations, and this is part of the reason i hesitated in this follow-up appeal to begin with. I'll get to the point; i was banned about a month ago for ban evading. I ban evaded a permanent ban I got on 2022, on account sharing. I strongly believe that my case did not warrant a permanent ban to begin with. This is not me trying to 'ride' on the latest unban of a ban evader (our cases differ in major ways), I strongly believe the T&C backs my claims. as I mentioned before, I did not handle my first ban appeal well (to say the least). it's no excuse, but I was younger, waaaay less familiar of the server (me and my friend were not even lvl70 if I remember correctly), and i was mostly guilty and angry I got me and my friend accounts banned. this long overdue truth of original matter of the account sharing is as follows: my friend needed time to study for a test coming up, so he decided to delete royals for a week or two. literally an hour or so after he deleted the client, i needed his help saving up my FM spot while i buy a hired merchant. I called him and he told me he already deleted the game, but i could login to his account and just use it myself for that. as i mentioned, we only recently found out about muling (and multi-clienting all together) and we did not see the difference. This is not a valid reason to account share, but this is the truth; we didn't bother reading the rules and we played the same way we did in back when we were kids in GMS. Should i have admitted that in my first appeal? yes. I strongly believe this could've been a temporary ban. Should i have evaded in the first place? No. None the less - was this a justified permanent ban to begin with? In by (biased, to be fair) opinion, no. I feel like i was mostly banned for my inability to take responsibility of my actions and keep denying the case altogether. from the T&C, in regards to account sharing: "Please be aware that, in some cases as per discretion of Staff, we reserve the right to respond with a less harsh punishment. See Appendix for more information." then, in the appendix mentioned: scenarios for which account sharing will be considered an immediate permanent ban are the following: Using power-levelling services; Two or more people taking turns in levelling up a character (i.e. training); Logging onto someone else's character in order to leech your own; Removing items from or deleting someone else's character; Giving an account with a high-levelled character on it to someone else; Committing a bannable offence (other than just account sharing) on someone else's account; Wasting Staff time by lying about the account sharing; Sharing your account details with multiple people. In any other situations, the default punishment will be a 30 day ban and potentially a reversal of actions taken during the share, however, this is still subject to Staff discretion and the involved parties may face a permanent ban regardless of their situation not being listed above. My case clearly doesn't cut in any of the above besides number 7; which as I previously mentioned, I deeply regret, but I have no control over it now. Nothing much i could say there. shit happens. i was dumb and angry and i made an honest mistake. I honestly don't think it should cost me the option to play in the server, permanently, as a person. In light of Tim's words: Lastly I'd like to comment on the post that was removed from your appeal. Between the rude and rulebreaking comments I get the overarching message of it being that you feel like players should have a second chance, and that a 0 tolerance policy is too strict. And for many rules we agree of course! That's why we have temporary bans where yours should've been one of which we're rectifying from a staff error made in 2018. What we don't agree with is players taking it upon themselves to create that second chance. You have to resolve these kind of things in ban appeals. As you can see staff mistakes can happen, and the only way to play without risking getting banned for ban evasion is having your bans properly resolved. I would like to kindly request a re-consideration of the initial ban for 2022. I will accept your decision even if it's a solid no, and I will not evade again; but please, all i ask is a real genuine consideration of the circumstances. By no means i was the perfect player in terms of the first ban and my handling of it, but I believe there are more than meets the eye in my case.
We would've perhaps considered looking more into your case if it was you appealing your initial permanent ban after all this time without having ban evaded, but alas you did ban evade a permanent ban for a long time. in short: you're banned for Wasting Staff time by lying about the account sharing In the ban appeal(s) which you followed up with ban evasion of a permanent ban (doubling the permanent ban)