Character Name: Nebulous. Last thing you did: Got on about two-ish weeks ago, then got offline. I was in Kerning and was only on for a few minutes. Why do you think you got banned?: You tell me. Ban message: "Your account has been permanently banned for serious violation of the rules. Therefore you will be unable to use this account. Details: Katsuruka permanently banned Nebulous: Ban Evasion." Which GM banned you: Katsuruka.
I joined this server months ago. I don't even USE any other accounts, so please do not of "evading ban" when I have not been. I know why my account has been banned now. Laxes, who was apparently hacking, is Rainbowz brother, therefore they have the same IP. My other friend, bodo, went on both my account and Rainbowz ONCE to do a jump quest for us that we were struggling with. This is why you assume and believe that we are all Laxes when it simply is not the case. Laxes and Rainbowz both live in Israel, while bodo lives in the U.K., and I live in Canada. We are clearly not the same people. I now know that account sharing is not acceptable, which I understand, but this was a minor case. There were absolutely no other instances of account sharing between us, and this also happened months ago. This certainly is not major abuse on any of our parts. I am asking to lift the ban from a permanent one to a temporary one for the three of us because I do not feel as though one situation of account sharing should result in a permanent ban. I also do not think that one persons choices and mistakes should result in such serious, permanent consequences for three others. It simply is not at all reasonable and does not need to be the case.
I've compared the information you've given us with the information in the database, and it checks out, so I've reduced your ban to a 30-day ban for account sharing and reset your Zakum prequests (you'll have to start those over again). When your ban is up, you will probably need to make a new thread to get your ban manually lifted, as we've had some issues with bans not expiring properly. The reason why we ban by MAC and IP as well as by account is to deter hackers from ban evading. Although this won't stop determined ban evaders (eg Laxes, who we're obviously going to find and re-ban), it does make it harder for people to ban evade. As for Zakum Jump Quest - if you're finding it hard, there's a link to a video guide and a step-by-step text/images guide here: Also, there's Nikki (Succubus)'s neat step by step guide here: