I don't remember if this was really posted on forums. But a few days ago Valium and I were BF'ing and we had an HS mule at DMG. However, beholder (even when I didn't summon it) would summon itself about 15 times and it would dc anyone on the map or entering the bf map, hence we couldn't both get exp with HS. More beholders only spawn if I move, if I don't move more beholders don't spawn. Also, if I'm on the right hand side of the BF map and Valium is on the left with BF, he won't DC. I don't know why it glitches. Hope this description helps. I can provide more information if need be. Thanks Scimix
To fix this I need to try to identify the cause for it appearing when you don't summon it. I think possibly it may have something to do with either: - Using a town scroll or going through door with beholder on. - Going into stores with beholder on. - Going into cash shop with beholder on. If you are able to help me figure out what it is exactly which causes this to happen it shouldn't be too difficult to fix.
I tested with a couple maps: Beholder on and going into CS. After trying to exit CS i had to account fix due to the d/c glitch. When i logged back on (without closing client) the beholder spawned by itself but didn't multiply Beholder on and going into store, after exiting shop there was a problem where if i right clicked and tried to deactivate beholder, it wouldn't disappear like its supposed to but this was resolved after entering another fm. However it summons itself at ch2 and 3 entrance by itself (not the other channels) Beholder on and using return scroll does the same thing as entering stores, doesn't disappear when i deactivate it but it will after going through a portal I hope this helps. If anything else is needed please ask
Extra info: When i was leeching my priest at WS yesterday, I used beholder after i went through door. Then i proceeded to kill and when I jumped off (not jump down) the ledge, beholder started to multiply and thats when I thought that my priest would dc. But I could tele around the WS map and my priest didn't dc. However, it made my DrK laggy as hell with a 5 second delay (possibly due to the mass of beholders that were following me around?)
I also found out that when it summons itself and I'm moving it doesn't dc people. Only when people move will it dc if I'm near them. This happened in multiple fm's and entrances