I dont have much time to play the game, but I keep voting everyday and have a lot of NX, waht is the best way to spend said NX in order to progress?
Its either Gacha or APR. Gacha has generally been more providable then selling APR. All Gacha's are good if you know what and how to sell the stuff you get. I really cannot be bothered with the tedious work of selling APR in bulk but its 100% consistent meso. Shrine and NLC are the easiest since its pretty much get cs/ws or nothing at all, tho you will see people go dry with 500k nx occasionally. Sometimes people get 4 ws/cs with only 100k nx.
Shrine is the best gacha due to the fact it has many meso worthy scrolls in it, with a chaos scroll obviously being the top item. It really depends on what you looking for. I'd say - 30k nx and above - go gacha
I always hold up for 300k+ NX for gacha, and I have a little opinion about it Considering 310knx = 100 APR = 1b ~ 1.2b 300k NX at Shrine, average dark scrolls profit = 300~500m IF no CS = Less profit IF 1 CS = regular profit IF 2 or more CS = higher profit 300k NX at NLC, average scrolls/weapons profit = 200~400m (Unless high w.a stone) IF no WS = Less profit IF 1 WS = Lower to Regular Profit IF 2 WS = Regular profit IF 3+ WS = higher profit In short, gacha is a gamble, you may get equal to higher profit than APR, but chance for lower profit While APR = Instant profit