Hey! following the conversation with @Dave Deviluke on discord, providing the details i've come up with communicating with bezeq as for the constant DCs i'm experiencing: Starting yesterday, me and other bezeq customers are experiencing constant DCs from an unknown reason. Other israeli ISP customers don't seem to share this issue with us since they report stable connections - hence we assume this is an ISP related issue. Gonna provide the process i've gone through so far with last section describing what bezeq asked me to ask of royals. Bezeq customers have reported getting constantly DCing in changing intervals Restarting the router / reinstalling the game files doesn't seem to fix the issue Sniffing the packets showing that there are TCP retransmissions going on that eventually cause a connection RESET and a DC (picture attached below) Bezeq themselves claim there are no issues whatsoever regarding blockings of maple royals (i've been talking to them myself and they ruled out blocking issues as a problem) Bezeq are now checking maple royals IP as I provided though they were very much certain there shouldn't be any issue Bezeq asked me to provide my own personal IP to one of the staff so that they could check on their side if any connection blocks are caused by the server, and treat myself as a representative IP of bezeqs customers. I've forwarded my own IP to @Dave Deviluke Additional information: After getting the DC I can sometimes log in right away, and sometimes I will have to wait for a few seconds - minutes (changing). This is how the incident looks like at packet sniffing tool (wireshark):