Hello guys, I was wondering about the bf and hh low lvl leech, I remember playing in gms on the early patches and it was possible to leech with lvl 31 page. Can anyone explain please how this is done?? Thanks
its possible to pg it but you cant pg leech like they did early on in gms, therefore its not viable it would take you hours to kill it with pg alone.
Thanks for the reply but i ment to leech another character with the use of a page. I remember that you could have a party of 3 people, high lvl attacker, a lvl 31 page that has pg, and a leecher that has to be in 5 lvls range of the page, minimum lvl 26 This is how i remembered it, the page touched the bf, delt dmg to it and died, then the attacker killed the bf and the leecher got like 20 lvls, in gms you went like 4,5 lvls cause its x1 exp
Can anyone please comment on that and tell me if im right and if it is possible on this server? Thanks
You are 100% correct but it isn't possible on this server because leech doesn't work as it did in GMS.