Hi, i recently just killed two bigfoots in two different channels from full HP to death. No leechers, party members, no other people in the map. The Evil Dead was the map. I'm a level 99 CB. Character name is iength.
There is your answer, meso explotion is bugged. I have no idea how to avoid it but my guess is if you kill without meso explotion you should be fine.
You can still kill with me so explosion but you might try attacking three to four times with a different physical skill through the run
If you are too far from your bags while using Meso Explosion, it will do damage and use up the bags, but you won't get EXP (or usually drops) from killing. You have to be in closer range to your Meso bags when exploding them. Can you try that next time and confirm it works if you're closer?
This glitch happening when there mesos being dropped by the monster in a lil far from your mesos, i recommend if its happening to loot all the other mesos and continue booming. (when its happening to me i just loot the mesos to avoid the glitch).