Bishop's Guide 2022, [Horntail Guide!]

Discussion in 'Class Guides' started by Jooon, Jul 24, 2018.

  1. Jooon

    Jooon Donator

    Mar 5, 2015
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    Hello everyone who wants to design a Bishop!

    Welcome to the guide of the most imbalanced class in MapleRoyals!
    The best meso making class!
    Bringing signature utility skills like Holy Symbol, Mystic Door, Holy Shield into the party!
    A necessary component in all boss expeditions!

    For new players who just joined the server,
    I highly recommend this class!
    It is beginner friendly, cheap, and one of the best classes to level!

    Please treat this guide as a recommendation of instead of a model to follow!

    • AP Allocation
    • SP Allocation
    • Job Advancement
    • Skill Quest

    • Leveling
    • Selling Leech
    • Meso Making Methods
    • Gearing Up.
    • HP Washing
    • Selling Leech
    • Horntail Guide

    Understanding your ability points!
    Well, Bishops AP Design's is very simple!
    Add everything into INT! There's nothing to worry about!

    It is highly recommended to go LUK-less, as the wands and staffs you will be using do not require this stat.
    • Wooden Wand
    • Maple Staff
    • Maple Lama Staff
    • Elemental Wand 1,2,3 & 4
    • Maple Pyrope Staff/Maple Shiner Wand
    • Elemental Wand 5 & 6
    As such it is, I recommended that you pour all your Ability Points into INT.
    This should be how your ability points should be allocated at lvl200

    Starting off as a Magician
    Once you leave maple island, at Level 8, you will be able take up your 1st job advancement!

    Go to the Magic Library which is located at the highest point of Ellinia, where you’ll meet up with Grendel the Really Old. Talk to him and he’ll advance you as a Magician !
    Your on The first step to become THE BILLIONAIRE.
    You'll Start with 1SP, And 3SP Every Level after!

    1st Job (Magician)

    Level 8: +1 Energy Bolt (1)
    Level 9: +3 Improve MP Recovery (2)
    Level 10: +2 Improve MP Recovery (5)/+1 Improve MaxMP Increase (1)
    Level 11: +3 Improve MaxMP Increase (4)
    Level 12: +3 Improve MaxMP Increase(7)
    Level 13: +3 Improve MaxMP Increase (10)
    Level 14: +3 Magic Claw (3)
    Level 15: +3 Magic Claw (6)
    Level 16: +3 Magic Claw (9)
    Level 17: +3 Magic Claw (12)
    Level 18: +3 Magic Claw (15)
    Level 19: +3 Magic Claw (18)
    Level 20: +2 Magic Claw (20)/+1 Magic Guard (1)
    Level 21: +3 Magic Guard (4)
    Level 22: +3 Magic Guard (7)
    Level 23: +3 Magic Guard (10)
    Level 24: +3 Magic Guard (13)
    Level 25: +3 Magic Guard (16)
    Level 26: +3 Magic Guard (19)
    Level 27: +1 Magic Guard (20)/+2 Improve MP Recovery
    Level 28: +3 Improve MP Recovery
    Level 29: +3 Improve MP Recovery
    Level 30: +3 Improve MP Recovery

    Starting off with a single SP of Energy Bolt,
    Immediately after. you'll strive to max out your MaxMP Increase AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, so you can have maximum MP Gain Available!!
    Add up 5 points on Mp Recovery to unlock MaxMP and max it out.

    After, add Magic Claw for better Damage and then lastly max out Magic Guard.
    Add the remaining SP To MP Recovery!


    Once you reach level 15, you will be able to vote!
    Purchase a pet ASAP

    Then after auto HP/MP > Item Pouch/Meso Magnet
    [​IMG] Auto HP Potion Pouch (1,800 NX) - Allows the pet to restore your HP by consuming an HP potion from your inventory.
    [​IMG] Auto MP Potion Pouch (1,800 NX) - Allows the pet to restore your MP by consuming an MP potion from your inventory.
    [​IMG] Meso Magnet (2,400 NX) - Allows the pet to pick up mesos on the ground as it passes by them.
    [​IMG] Item Pouch (2,400 NX) - Allows the pet to pick up items on the ground as it passes by them.

    Advancement to Cleric
    Once you’ve reached Lv 30, you will be able take up your 2nd job advancement!

    Head back to Ellinia’s Magic Library, which is located at the highest point of Ellinia. Go inside, talk to Grendel the Really Old. He’ll give you a letter and you’ve to pass it to the job advancement instructor located at the north of Ellinia. After giving the letter, you’ll be given an errand to collect 30 Dark Marbles by defeating the monsters inside. Be careful to stock your potions up before you start collecting the 30 Dark Marbles.

    Once you’ve collected 30 Dark Marbles, talk to the instructor, and he’ll award you with a Proof of a Hero. Go back to Ellinia’s Magic Library, and talk to Grendel the Really Old once again, where then you’ll advance as the Cleric!

    Congratulations! This is the second step to become THE BILLIONAIRE!!!!
    Once you become a cleric, You will be Given 1SP! Pump that into Teleport.

    Level 30: +1 Teleport (1)
    Level 31-40:+ Heal (30)
    Level 41-47: + MP Eater (20)/ +Invincible (1)
    Level 48: + Invincible (4)
    Level 49: + Invincible (5)/ +Bless (2)
    Level 50-55: + Bless (20)
    Level 56-62: +Teleport (20)/ + Invincible (7)
    Level 63-67 : +Invincible (20)/ + Holy Arrow ( 2)
    Level 68-70: + Holy Arrow (11)

    Invest the 1 SP into Teleport For Mobility, And invest all your SP into Heal, That is your Strongest Skill, also Which what makes you Unique!
    Put your SP's Into MP Eater, Its impressive to see how much potion it saves you will Grinding In maps such as Chronos & GS2!
    And then max out Teleport for more imba-ness
    and after that Invincible and pour the remaining SP into Holy Arrow for the lols.

    Advancement to Priest
    Once you’ve reached Lv 70, you will be able take up your 3rd job advancement!

    Go to El Nath – Chief Residence and speak to Robeira.
    After talking to Robeira, head back to Victoria Island and talk to “Grendel the Really Old” which is located in Ellinia.
    Next, find the Door of Dimension located at Forest of Evil II and it’ll bring you to “The Path of the Glittering Crystal”.
    Walk until the end of the path and enter the portal to defeat the wiseman’s dark side to obtain the Black Charm.

    Return to “Grendel the Really Old” and exchange the Black Charm for a Necklace of Strength.
    Return to El Nath after that and give the item to Robeira.
    Head on to the Holy Ground at the Snowfield (Sharp Cliff II).
    1 Dark Crystal (Bring 3 LOL)
    is required to answer 5 questions to obtain the Necklace of Wisdom.
    Again, head back to Robeira in El Nath and give her the Necklace of Wisdom.
    She’ll then advance you as a Priest!

    Congratulations! You're on The 3rd step to becoming
    Once you become a Priest, You will be Given 1SP! Pump that into Shining Ray.

    Level 70: + Shining Ray (1)
    Level 71: + Dispel (3)
    Level 72-81: + Holy Symbol (30)
    Level 82-88: + Mystic Door (20)/ +1 Shining Ray (2)
    Level 89-98: + Shining Ray (30)/ +2 Dispel (5)
    Level 99- 103: + Dispel (20)
    Level 104- 110: Elemental Resistance (20)/ +1 Summoning Dragon (1)
    Level 111-120: Summoning Dragon (15) & Doom (15)

    YOUR TARGET IS TO MAX THIS SKILL [HOLY SYMBOL/HS] its the most powerful and one of the most loved skills in the GAME
    Start off by Adding 1SP on Shining Ray for Mobbing, invest 3 SP to dispel & unlock Holy Symbol and MAX IT OUT.
    If your Making A Priest as a Mule, Your Job is done here and sadly u won't be a billionaire anymore. ~f4~f4 (I'm kidding lol)
    Get that Awesome Mystic Door Afterwards, This skill is Crazily useful as well. (You will require Magic Rock To use it.)
    Max Dispel After, With 100% Dispel. You will never need All Cure ever Again ~f11~f11~f11~f11
    Finish it up With Elemental Resistance.
    Get lvl15 Summon Dragon, that's all you need for your character to Learn Bahamut which will totally replace this skill
    Get Lvl15 Doom, This Skill is Godly @Neo Tokyo and @Crimsonwood Keep Party Quest.
    Use your spare 4th job skill point to max doom in the future.

    Advancement to Bishop
    Once you’ve reached Lv 120, you will be able take up your 4th job advancement!

    Speak to the respective 3rd job instructor in El Nath to get a Recommendation Letter for the Fourth Advancement.
    Bring the Recommendation Letter to the 4th Job Instructor in Leafre for acknowledgment.
    Now, prove to the Instructor that you have what it takes for the 4th job advancement by getting the Heroic Star and Heroic Pentagon.
    You may hunt Manon and Griffey to get the required items. Alternatively, head to Eos Tower 44th Floor to get a Secret Letter of Spell at 10 million mesos. (just buy this seriously)
    After this, look for Chief Tatamo of Leafre Village to exchange for a set of Heroic Star and Heroic Pentagon.
    When you are ready with the required items, go to your 4th job instructor to make your job advancement.
    Talk to Gritto and she’ll advance you as a Bishop !

    The final Strongest Form of a Cleric~
    You will be granted 3 Skill Points, 5 Ability Points, a Maple Hero Skill Book and 3 core skills.

    The order of your skills would largely depend on the availability of the skillbooks.
    Basically you will want to aim to Max Genesis First, and the other priority as Shown below!
    Level 120: + Genesis (1)
    Level 121~123: + MW(9)
    Level 124: MW(10MAX) Ress (1) Genesis (2)
    Level 125~131: Genesis 20

    Genesis 20 prices at 30/8/2020 is alot cheaper then before.
    at 340mil, i highly recommend players to get Genesis 20 ASAP.

    After Level132, depending on if you plan to go ahead and pass Genesis 30
    Skill priority goes by
    - Genesis 30
    - Bahamut
    - Infinity
    - Holy Shield
    - Doom (3rd Job Skill)
    - Angel Ray

    - Doom
    Neo Tokyo : crowd control mobs
    CWKPQ : Crimson Guardian & Ninja Castle : Ninto
    Since they have immunity to Holy, Doom them and they will be able to damaged by Genesis. Making it somewhat efficient for a bishop to hunt these quest ETC.


    [​IMG] Genesis
    1. Talk to your 3rd Job Instructor to begin the story quest
    2. You will then need to head to Korean Folk Town and talk to Wiz the Librarian (Located in the portal on the right of the well)
    3. Head to Grendel the Really Old at Ellinia.
    4. Go back to El Nath where the instructors are and go down then talk to Shammos, the green looking goblin.
    5. Return back to Grendel the Really Old at Ellinia.
    6. Go back to Shammos.
    7. Talk to your 3rd Job Instructor.
    8. Talk to Shammos again to begin the quest called 'Genesis'.
    9. He will ask you for an item called “Life’s Root”
    10. Travel to the Cave of Life – Entrance to get the Life’s Root.
    11. In order to enter Life’s cave or Cavern, you’ll need to do the Horntail party quest (3Players+)
    12. Talk to Moira in the mountainous area. She will ask you to find the following:
      1. * An ice cube (Green Cornian)
      2. * A skull mask (Dark Cornian)
      3. * Manon Kill
      4. * 10 Dragon Skins (red/blue/blackWyverns)
      5. * 1 broken dagger (“X color” Cornian)
    13. 5. Next, find Mos to fuse a new dagger with the old dagger and the items (you need 1x Mithril Plate and 1x Steel Plate to form the dagger)
    14. 6. Beat through all the stages and find Life’s Cavern
    15. 7. Travel back to Shammos to finish

    [​IMG] Bahamut
    • Note: This quest item is seperate and different for every quest, dont stack a bunch of them.
    • 1. To begin quest talk to Raul the Knight in Leafre Ice Mountain
      * He’ll ask you to collect 20 dragon heart (1st time to increase the level cap to 10)
      * He’ll ask you to collect 25 dragon heart (2nd time to increase the level cap to 15)
      * He’ll ask you to collect 30 dragon heart (3rd time to increase the level cap to 20)
      * He’ll ask you to collect 35 dragon heart (4th time to increase the level cap to 25)
      * He’ll ask you to collect 40 dragon heart (5th time to increase the level cap to 30)
      o That’s a grand total of 150 dragon heart.
      2. Head over to ice mountain and kill Red, Blue, or Dark Wyverns for Dragon heart
      3. After you are finish killing them, travel back to Raul the Knight and receive your skill

    [​IMG] Resurrection
    • 1.Hunt the Black Book storybook from Mr Anchor (Ghost Ship 6) [Hunting Time ~8mins]. Then talk to the 4th Job Instructor to activate the quest
    • 2. Head to Aqua Dungeon and talk to Carta the Sea Witch
      3. When you talk to Carta the Sea Witch, she will give you a quest for you to collect the following:
      * 100 ice shards (Grim Phantom Watches)
      * 50 firebomb flames (Jr. Effy)
      * 5 Undead Charms (Zombie Mushroom)
      4. After your done collecting the items, go back to Carta the Sea Witch and she’ll reward you with a Cold Flame. Talk to her again to continue your quest.
      5. Carta the Sea Witch will ask you to travel to a hidden cave in the bottom left of Dangerous Sea Gorge II.
      Once inside this cave, drop the Cold Flame and the Black Bible into the pot that you find there.
    • 6. When you head back to Carta the Sea Witch, she will then ask you to talk to The Rememberer in Sleepywood
      7. Now talk to The Rememberer for another mission. He’ll ask you to travel to Warped Passage in Ludibrium. Once you are at Forgotten Passage, go to the middle door with a faint, blue outline. Only 1 person may enter the arena at a time.
      8. Enter the realm and you have 20mins to find your way out
      9. Go back to The Rememberer after your done and you will gain your Resurrection skill book.

    [​IMG] Infinity
    1.Find a warrior Friend that just job advanced. (Dont tell them its a bad choice huehuehue)
    2.El Nath PQ

    Guide to Grinding Areas !
    Lv 8/10~15 : training quest from job instructor / bubblings
    Lv 15~17 : NLC to answer mayor's question.
    Lv 17~25bubbling or land of wild boar 2
    Lv 25~30 : Wild boars / KPQ / Genin (Ninja Castle)
    Lv 30~51 : Carnival Party Quest (CPQ)
    Lv 51~71 : Carnival Party Quest II (CPQ2)
    Lv 71~75 : MP3, coolies, GS
    Lv 75~120 : wolf spider, ulu1/ulu2, skele, petri, ToT, Himes*

    Guide to After 120 !
    This has always been a question asked by Many, "Joon! I'm Lvl120 now, What should i do!?", "I want to quickly reach lvl155 for Horntail!"
    Well, I'll share alittle on this topic here.

    For many of those who are reading this guide, this may be the first character you are making.
    You will have entry-level gears & limited mesos to use for leveling.
    Make full advantage of this game's community and make friends to grind together!
    1. Selling a good amount of low-level leech has many benefits such as:
      1. Good Mesos, You'd need them to obtain Gene 20/30, HTP & Washing
      2. Decent EXP
      3. No Much Gears Required, you simply Start earning the moment you unlock Genesis.

    2. Get several friends, or use a megaphone to find some players & Lvl together at Skelegons.
      - Make sure you get Auto Pet Pot
      - 3-4 Hitting is fine as EXP will still be pretty solid 120~135 with a party of 3.

    3. Join a Guild, join a Discord community, grind together in Skeles, and take the initiative to host boss runs.
      1. Not much funding is required.
      2. Having fun together with friends. Everyone will definitely be on high spirits making the grind so much more enjoyable!

    4. When taking a break but still in front of your computer? Go to Heartstoppers map and turn on your Bahamut and farm away.
      1. Good Mesos, even though the exp is slow.
    Players With already own Decent Gears and not Their First Character.
    1. Buy Leech to lvl130
      - Leech @ Petri/Skele if you are funded enough, Roughly ~6-7Hours depending on Leecher quality.
    2. Invest in ~90 Swiss cheese, Get Echo & MW20 Buff from your Main or Friends.
      - at Lv130, you will be able to equip Elemental Wand, which will significantly Allow one to 2hit Skele easily.
      - 180 Minutes / 90Swiss cheese will boost your character easily up to 135~137. (Allowing to leech Zakum)
    3. If you have an Attacker Class, you can bring it to leech Area Bosses Early.
    4. Participate in All Daily Bossing Content with your Bishop as an HS while leeching it
      - Unlock Papulatus Quest ASAP at lvl120. Do this Daily.
      - Unlock Zakum Quest, Its very good exp even while your bishop is 170+
      - Unlock Shaolin, Easy to be completed as a Bishop, This is the highway for your Main DPS class to reach lvl200. Giving your bishop a Good amount of EXP too.

    Once You Have reach lvl135+
    Your Goal Should be able to 1hit Ulu2, Which you can level insanely Fast.
    Daily Zakum would be recommended!
    The leech prices go up to 40/70 per hour which is pretty great!
    Together with Some Good luck, Obtain Gene30 by 150.
    You Should be able to 1hit Skelegon! Which gives very insane EXP!
    Progression Goal from now is Lv155.
    It will be a stable road to 200, via Horntail/Daily Bosses and of course continue leeching 0:)

    Guide to Selling Leech / Leech Prices!
    The Best way to earn Mesos !

    Leeching Areas are very similar to Grinding Areas!
    Bold Names Are What players use To Super Megaphone to Refer.
    Example : B>Ulu2 Leech 80mil
    Meaning : Buying Leech Services @ Singapore Ulu Estate 2 for 80Million Mesos / Hour
    Current Market Prices of Leech/Hour
    : 70mil/Hour (28/7/2019) [Teddies ~ Ulu2]
    : 120mil/Hour (28/7/2019) [Skele / Petri]​

    Current Market Prices of SplitLeech/Hour
    : 40Mil/Hour (28/7/2019) [Teddies ~ Ulu2]
    : 65mil/Hour (28/7/2019) [Skele/Petri]​

    Genesis 10
    Storm Breaker : 1196
    Harps/Blood Harps : 1029
    Ulu1 : 1272
    Ulu2 : 1398

    Genesis 20
    Storm Breaker : 1069
    Harps/Blood Harps : 916
    Ulu1 : 1140
    Ulu2 : 1255
    Skele : 1372

    Genesis 30
    Storm Breaker : 1011
    Harps/Blood Harps : 862
    Ulu1 : 1079
    Ulu2 : 1190
    Skele : 1300
    Memory Lane 4 : 1330
    HT Dark Wyverns : 1590
    Petri : 1600
    Most Buyer Looks For Telecasting Style During your service!
    Where you maneuver around Efficiently, Allowing them to Gain more EXP/Hour
    This is an Example of Telecasting in Ghost Ship 1.
    Click Here For My Telecasting Guide
    Leeching Areas !
    Lv 10-20
    Kerning City Subway: Line 1 <Area 1>

    Lv 20-25
    Wild Boar
    Hidden Street: The Land of Wild Boar I

    Lv 25-30
    Pink Teddy, Brown Teddy
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Ludibrium: Terrace Hall

    Lv 30-36
    Jr Wraiths

    Kerning Line 1 Area 2

    Lv 36-41
    Platoon Chronos
    Ludibrium: The Path of Time <1>

    Lv 41-43
    Master Chronos
    Ludibrium: The Path of Time <4>

    Lv 43-51
    Kerning City Subway: Line 1 <Area 4>

    Lv 51-53

    Oly Oly & Dark Fission
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Malaysia: Muddy Banks 1

    Lv 53-56
    Neo Huroid
    Alcadno Research Institute: Lab - Area C-3

    Lv 56-65
    Malaysia: Muddy Banks 2

    Crimsonwood Keep: Tornado Corridor

    Lv 67-75
    Froscola, Jester Scarlion
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Malaysia: Fantasy Theme Park 1

    Lv 75-78
    Crimsonwood Keep: Stormhall

    Lv 78-85
    Harp, Blood Harp
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Leafre: Sky Nest II

    Lv 85-90
    Berserkie, Veetron
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Singapore: Ulu Estate I
    Genesis 20 : 1140
    Genesis 30 : 1079
    Meteor/Blizzard 30 : 860

    Lv 90-105
    Veetron, Slygie
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Singapore: Ulu Estate II
    Genesis 20 : 1255
    Genesis 30 : 1190
    Meteor/Blizzard 30 : 919

    Lv 105+
    Singapore: Ulu City Center
    Meteor/Blizzard 30 : 1260

    Lv 108+
    Skelegon, Skelosaurus
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Leafre: The Dragon Nest Left Behind
    Genesis 30 : 1291

    Lv 110+

    Singapore: Destroyed Park I (Highly Recommended MAP for Trio Duku)
    Singapore: Destroyed Park II
    Genesis 30 : 1700
    Meteor/Blizzard 30 : 1360
    Genesis 20 : 1190
    Genesis 30 : 1133
    Meteor Blizzard : 880

    Mesos, the most powerful resource in the game.
    its also one of the area that bishop shines best in. Making mesos.

    Before I get another further, i'll just quickly write a checklist on what you can do to make mesos.
    1. Trio Duku Leech Nerfed
    2. APQ
    3. Farming Stoppers
    Trio Duku Leech
    As written above one of the best way to earn Mesos is always investing your time into Selling Leech!

    But in this section, i hope to share the best way of leeching in the year 2020 & 2021.
    Widely known as TRIO DUKU LEECH.
    Trio duku leech in market right now is 75mil/slot, and you can sell up to 3 characters.

    75mil x 3 = 225mil
    The most beautiful thing about Trio duku leech its the low TMA requirement.
    Ontop of that, genesis 30 & telecasting are not required!!
    This might get nerfed later in the future

    Monster : Duku
    Level : 115
    Level to leech : 110

    Destroyed Park 1 will be the map that you will head towards to sell this particular leech.
    You require some basic multi-clienting skills so please practice a few minutes before selling the leech.

    What do you need?

      • x2 Archmages with 873 magic attack
      • x1 Bishop 1190 magic attack [Genesis 20] / 1135 Genesis 30 magic attack [Genesis 30]
    To create 2 archmages, you can either grind them up yourself or buy leech until lv130. That should only cost you around 4bil for both.
    I highly recommend the fire poison archmage class simply because meteor shower is super easy to unlock compared to blizzard.
    You can even enjoy mist training as well after your third job advancement, which is currently one of the best leveling technique from lvl71~120 only second to shadowers bombing bigfoot.

    Heres a video i found on youtube on regards to mist training.
    Its very old though, not sure if its playable. i'll maybe use my fp to do an example one day i guess?

    Use Poison Mist and train at Petrifighters at : Singapore: Ulu City Center.
    Just ensure you can hit the mobs with your initial Poison Mist, they will then be poisoned and their HP will deplete with poison.
    Poison mist damage is based on the percentage of the monster's HP, not your Magic stat, so you can take down high HP mobs. Any monster who's fully poisoned will be left with 1 HP so you can kill it with explosion.
    By the time you max Poison Mist, as long as you hit the monsters, they'd all be left with 1 HP eventually which makes it possible to kill them; at lower levels of Poison Mist, you might have to do several rounds of misting before they hit the minimum 1 HP.

    Add 3 to elemental amplification to unlock seal and spell booster. Get spell booster to level 11 as soon as possible for the level 3 magic attacking speed (letting you cast poison mist even faster) and leave it at 11, since it only extends its duration after
    Then max elemental amplification so that you do more damage.

    Would be ideal to use elemental wand 2 (Poison)
    Using this method is probably the fastest & Cheapest way of leveling compared to any other classes, such as Chief Bandits Mesos Explosion on bigfoot.
    A lot faster than buying leech as well
    Yes it's pretty taxing on the Potions, so make sure pet auto pot & Exp Charms are ready.
    It will be wise for you to save a map with Telerock @Petris, and you won't waste time traveling in case of death.

    That aside, 4th job quest. Meteor is a lot easier to obtain which only requires you to talk to NPCs back and forth.
    compared to I/L's Blizzard. Hunting Cold Heart usually takes 3-4hours.
    Took me 3H (I have a 2 I/L Mages and half the day to complete both)
    wanted to kms after

    I should write Fire poison archmage guide too

    Instead of me writing paragraph after paragraph on how to do it, i'll just make video with my low level mages and show it to you guys, so watch it two times >:(

      • All mages will be required to 2hit the monsters, you will kill around 25-28 monsters per respawn
      • EXP Gained by each buyer 3 way split should be around 40-45mil depending on their level.

    Yellow = Bishop
    Red = Archmages
    Green = Buyer
    How to do it efficiently?
    Place all Genesis/Meteor/Blizzard at your comfortable button, for me its spacebar, but honestly any button will work.
    Hold down Genesis and click three clients one by one.

    Having done this, you should somewhat be able to recreate something like such!

    Tip : keeping your archmage level as low as 130 as they will give your buyers more exp. Get a everstone so they retain their low level and the demand for your leech will likely improve.

    If this gets nerfed, getting them ready for ToT farming (pink bean soontm) & stopper farming might be recommended.
    APQ is also one of the easiest meso making methods you should not be missing out on in MapleRoyals.
    It involves party play, allows you to make good mesos, and overall fun!
    Each character can do it 4 times a day and since there's already a whole bunch of guide written out there.
    I don't think i'll have to write another one!

    Heres a super well written one by @Aelyssia
    >>APQ GUIDE<<

    I highly recommend you giving APQ a try if:
    • you are above level 40 and haven't arrived at lvl120
    • you are currently selling low level leech
    • hate selling leech
    • prefer party play
    the minimum level required is Lv40 for you to begin this PQ, so marrying a pair of your characters would be a good idea.
    Wedding tickets have a 50% discount during the valentines day event! If you happen to be enjoying the game during this season, do not miss the opportunity to get this cheap deal!

    APQ during non event season roughly gets you 5-8 apples / 4runs
    During Valentine Event: 10-15

    For mages be extremely careful during the boss stage. Since Geist Barlog dispels, mages will very easily lose their Magic Guard!

    Mages usually can't hit the boss anyway so i'll recommend the player just holding down Magic Guard throughout the boss's 3rd form. (unless you are already washed)

    Monster : Geist Balrog Phase 3
    Busy with work? Studying? Pro Multi-clienting skill while bossing? Slacking off in free market?
    Put in the extra effort and bring your mage to the stopper maps!

    Stoppers are a potion that gives 60 weapon attack for a minute and thousands are consumed by players everyday!
    It is definitely considered one of the highest demanded item in the game!
    Before you farm, make sure that the skill bahamut is unlocked!
    It's popular to farm on two or more mules for more meso per hour.

    Summon skills that are commonly used to stopper farm
    • Bahamut (Bishop)
    • Phoenix (Bowmaster)
    • Frost Prey (Marksman)
    • Ifrit (Ice lighting archmage)
    • elquines (Fire Poison archmage)
    • Octopus (Corsair)

    All you need to do is switch your summon skill on and loot every 2min 30s
    (Drops will disappear in 3minutes btw)

    The more stopper farming mules you have, the better mesos/h you'll receive
    Each stopper goes for around ~390k each (17 feb 2021)

    Credits to my guildie, the owner of this image @Ivan Chavez
    CWKPQ + Stopper farming Clapclapclap!

    How do you get to the stopper map?

    Give it a try yourself! It's really simple! You can easily push beyond 200mil+/hour if you have 10+ stopper clients farming at once. Might be a little straining on your computer though!

    Gearing Up Your Bishop!
    One You have reached Lvl 120 onwards, you will want to start Gearing Up & Washing.

    Low luck/Luckless weapons with magic attack list

    Bold item names = Can be scrolled to improve INT/magic attack without chaos.
    TMA displayed is average clean.
    [​IMG] LVL0 Blue Umbrella 15 TMA
    [​IMG] LVL8 Wooden Wand 23 TMA
    [​IMG] LVL22 Fruity Bamboo 37 TMA
    [​IMG] LVL25 Purple Umbrella 39 TMA (6 str requirement, get slime shoes)
    [​IMG] LVL30 Green Paintbrush 45 TMA (5 str requirement, get slime shoes)
    [​IMG] LVL35 Maple Staff 48 TMA
    [​IMG] LVL40 Yellow Umbrella 52 TMA
    [​IMG][​IMG] LVL43 Maple Lama/Nocturnal Staff 58 TMA
    [​IMG] LVL45 Diao Chan Sword 61 TMA
    [​IMG] LVL53 Heart Wand 70 TMA
    [​IMG][​IMG]LVL64 Maple Wisdom Staff/Shiner Wand 81 TMA
    [​IMG] LVL70 Black Umbrella 80 TMA (6 all requirement)
    [​IMG][​IMG] LVL70 Elemental Wand 1/2 86 TMA
    [​IMG][​IMG] LVL70 Elemental Wand 3/4 85 TMA
    [​IMG] LVL75 Kebob 90 TMA (seriously)
    [​IMG] LVL77 Maple Pyrope Wand 93 TMA
    [​IMG] LVL77 Maple Pyrope Staff 95 TMA
    [​IMG] [​IMG] LVL130 Elemental Wand 5/6 147 TMA
    [​IMG] [​IMG] LVL130 Elemental Wand 7/8 145 TMA
    Made By : @Inusama

    Gear Building Priority
    Phase 0 (Before 4th Job)
    Before you reach 4th job, honestly not much mage gears is required!
    - Weapons, you should choose a entry level Maple Staff (Lv35) Maple lama staff (Lv43)
    while grinding or CPQ-ing your way up to lvl50.
    a wooden wand honestly is enough for you to get to lvl30 and there is not much requirements to get a new weapon before the maple staff ! especially since pure int mages are reaaally strong compared to the normal builds.

    - Zakum Helmet
    At level 50, you would want to consider doing zakum prequest and buy a zakum helmet. they for around 70~80mil VIP now. get a 15int helm and drop some helmet for INT 60% on them if your feeling rich! it will cost you around 6mil per scroll!

    - Purple Gaia Cape
    Around lvl65, owl for a purple gaia cape, get a cheap one, honestly like i said above, there is not much magic requirements for a bishop before you reach 4th job.

    - Deputy Star (Optional)
    i don't recommend participating in this questline but if you would like a small TMA boost , you can check this guide out on how to obtain it
    (5int 5luk Pendant) you can resell this afterwards.

    - Cracked glasses & slime shoes (Optional)
    If you have the chance to participate in Kerning PQ (21+) & Ludi PQ (35+)
    these will be your best in slot gears until you reach phase 1 or 2 even!

    -After level 64
    Get a Maple Wisdom staff / Maple Shine Wand
    This would boost your dps quite abit!
    Its cheap and honestly pretty good, they will probably last you until lv120. A real subpar one will do. I do not recommend you to get anything above 200mil if your planning to spend!

    I strongly recommend a player to use as little funds to get to 120.
    I highly recommend spending the saved up mesos on purchasing leech from 110-120.
    Around 350mil if you are buying trio duku leech!
    Grinding around this 110-120 phase might be alittle difficult!​
    Phase 1 (Starters)
    For Building your Bishop Start by Selling Low level leech, Advertise Via Forums/Megaphone once inawhile to get buyers!
    -Weapon! You will Want to Save your money For a Good Elemental Wand with Decent TMA! Buy them pre-made are cheaper, This is the most important Gear you will want to have.

    You should have started your Boss Prequest by now! But its never too late to get it if you haven't!
    - Zakum Helmet adds a great amount of Int & Luk (13~22stats each) , that you will need to gear yourself! (80~100mil for Helm Service)
    - Almighty Ring is Available @Krex and adds a good amount of stats as well! int and luk(1~8)
    - Earrings are your Next Step! They are Cheaper then the other gears and most worth the mesos being it adds alot TMA and its Cheaper!
    - Overalls, they are more pricy! i would suggest getting 20int Overall and leave it as it is for a long time to come
    - Capes! Currently Scrolls for these are cheap, and Purple Gaia Cape of 5~7tma Clean are around 10mil~15mil! Each 60% Scroll (2int Each) is around 1mil~!
    - Shoes! Shoes Are CHEAP! and are largely Available! Use an Owl or Scan the Free market, if you are lucky u may just pick up an 6~7int under 5mil!
    - Face Accessory! Maple Leaf are easily accessible via Gachapon, Spend Some NX from Voting for them! They are available @ Showa/Sleepywood, Rudolph Nose @ Christmas Event!
    - Shield, These are troublesome and very very pricy! I would suggest starters to get a high base int Esther/Mystic Shield!
    - Necklace, Deputy Stars are available to be awarded to every player's quest, From NPC Lita Lawless in NLC Called Bounty Hunter!
    - Gloves! These Gloves are Pricy, but Clean Noels with High Base int are cheap! Definately Available around the freemarket, For starters Get a Clean One will do!~
    - Eye Accessory, Cracked Glasses are available through Ludi PQ!

    These are the Starters Stats you Want to Aim For!
    Elemental Wand 5/6 160+TMA (~200mil)
    Clean Zakum Helmet, +15int ~ 22int Zakum Helmet *Grindable*
    Almighty Ring (Krex) + 2int ~ +8int *Grindable*
    Earrings 16-24 TMA
    Doros/Chaos Robe 15+ Int
    Purple Gaia Cape 10~15TMA
    Windshoes/Magicshoes 7Int
    Clean Maple Leaf +5int ~ 11int Leaf *Grindable*
    Esther/Mystic Shield +5int
    Deputy Star +5int
    Dark Noel/Flamekeeper Cordon +7int/+8ma
    Cracked Glasses *Grindable*
    With this Basic Set of Gears, You Should be able to start Tackling Leech Maps Such as Sky Nest2 Or even Ulu Estate Singapore I/II !

    Phase 2 (Entry Level)
    You Should Have started selling Alot leech to Get to this point! Get your Genesis 20 before starting this phase!

    The main investment After Gene20 will be your wand. Get a good wand and start investing in others.
    You should be able to 1Hit Ulu Estate II after this phase, and your next goal will be Skele.

    - Elemental Wand 5/6 180+TMA (~1bil)
    - Zakum Helmet Start Scrolling Them With 60% scrolls and filling up 10 slots of it, try aim for 30+ INT
    - Almighty Ring is Available @Krex , Keep Relooting whenever possible, be a HS Mule for Duos and Earn your free Ring! Aim For 5~8int!
    - Earrings These are Great investment After your wand! Try to get more then 24TMA!
    - Overalls, After Getting 20int Overall and leave it as it is unless u find a Really Cheap one.
    - Capes! Aim For 15~18TMA+ Capes! they will be under 600mil!
    - Shoes, Remain the Shoes as such, theres no need to upgrade it now. you can change to Dark/Yellow Moon Shoes if u have sufficient Luk. 8Int!
    - Face Accessory! Maple Leaf Or Rudolph Nose, Leave it! its Comfortable as it is!
    - Shield, These are Really troublesome! Try to get 15tma + Shields, they will cost 500mil or so.
    - Necklace, Aim For Horntail Pendant, Buying Services For it is definately worth it! 22 to all stats! it will allow you to change to anakamoon Overall and Lapiz Sandals in the future!
    - Gloves! Try to Start Scrolling Your Gloves, by having 1 30% inside, use 60% and 70% for the remaining slots. Aim for 18+ TMA. These are pricy
    - Eye Accessory, Cracked Glasses are Comfortable as it is!

    After you get to this point of Gearing, Invest in Genesis 30. Its worth it once you passed it!
    This is Usually Where players stop investing in their Bishops and Move to Attacker Classes, where they use their current gear state to Farm Mesos.
    Phase 3 (Prime Zone)
    If you have reached this Phase, let me give u a salute, and welcome to the best peak of your bishop.
    Genesis 30 with 1290 Magic. Its no small feat, Definately you're a respectable player at this point of the community of Mapleroyals!
    From this point, Start Selling 1Hit Skele Leech, Prices at the date i'm writing this is 140mil solo 75mil Split!
    You will Level fast and 1 Hitting dem Skelegon, Skelesaurus. And this is where mesos really start to roll!

    The Gears You Should have on you
    These are the Starters Stats you Want to Aim For!

    Elemental Wand 5/6 180+TMA
    Zakum Helmet, +30-35int Zakum Helmet *Grindable*

    Almighty Ring (Krex) + 2int ~ +8int *Grindable*
    Earrings 32 TMA
    Starlight/Anakamoon 30+ Int
    Purple Gaia Cape 15~20TMA
    Gold/Dark Moon Shoes +8Int+5luk
    Maple Leaf +7int ~ 11int Leaf *Grindable*

    Maple Shield +25tma~+32Tma
    Horntail Necklace +22int +22luk ~ +28int +28luk
    Dark Noel/Flamekeeper Cordon +20TMA
    Raccoon Mask +8Int ~11int
    Your Bishop is more or less done Moving on from here,
    This level onwards is pretty very insane. Its not easy and choosing this route will require a full investment onto your bishop.
    Phase 4 (Insanity Tier)
    Welcome To Phase 4. At this phase is where i actually suggest you to invest in a MW20
    usually cost 2bil ~2.3bil
    This will bring you to the leaderboards of Mages, this is the route.
    You'll be spending all your investment and leech money into Gearing this character and probably nothing else.
    Consider this well. Your level at this point should be 170 and above.

    Your Goal From here is to Horntail Efficiently! The Final of MapleRoyals' Main attraction! Horntail!
    In Horntail Being in this phase, You will not only be able to Boost your Team's DPS efficiently, You'll be able to DPS The Body Parts as well.
    The damage is pretty decent especially when you will be spamming genesis Constantly.
    Budget to Build From Here ~20Bil

    Elemental Wand 5/6 190+TMA
    Zakum Helmet, +35int Zakum Helmet *Grindable*

    Almighty Ring (Krex) + 6int ~ +8int/ Event Rings *Grindable*
    Earrings 32/40 TMA
    Starlight/Anakamoon 33+ Int
    Purple Gaia Cape 18+ TMA / Snow Fur Lump 25+TMA
    Gold/Red/Brown/Blue Lapiz 20TMA (Chaosed)
    Maple Leaf +10int Leaf *Grindable*

    Maple Shield +30TMA
    Horntail Necklace +26int +26luk
    Dark Noel/Flamekeeper Cordon +24TMA
    Raccoon Mask +11int

    Many players ask me, Joon! Is it really worth to fund all these, It took me over several Months of Leeching and Bossing to get this fundings!
    My answer is YES! theres only a Handful of Hardcore Bishop Players .
    Theres so much usage in your class and always you will be wanted!

    Phase 5(God Tier)
    This is truly the most craziest form of bishop, bringing this class to entirely another level

    Edit : 17 feb 2021

    Reading this level of Equipments even make myself think this is a joke LOL but its actually possible and done by players around
    The Goal of Magic is 1600 with mw20 Buff.
    1 Hit Dark wyverns 1591, 1 Hit Petri-Fighter 1561

    Perfect Elemental Wand 5/6 219TMA / Perfect Elemental Wand 7/8 211TMA
    Zakum Helmet +42TMA (60%+WS)
    Almighty Ring +6int~+8int
    Any Mage Overall/Bathrobe +35int~+61int
    Earrings 40TMA/ Crystal Leaf Earrings +51tma
    Purple Gaia Cape 22~27TMA/ Snow Fur Lump +30Int
    Gold/Red/Brown/Blue Lapiz +20TMA (Chaosed)
    Maple Leaf +15int Leaf
    Maple Shield +35~50TMA
    Horntail Necklace +28int +28luk
    Marker/BWG/Yellow Marker/Dark Noel/Flamekeeper Cordon 30+TMA
    Raccoon Mask +15~21int

    Below Images are the Gears are Crafted in the Game
    Bishops does not works like an attacker class, where the class main damage comes from Level!
    instead of the range scaling according to your weapon attack gears.
    If you made it here, please share with me your adventure of royals in the comments!

    HP Washing
    With Dispel Mechanics in Neo Tokyo contents, Auf Haven & Horntail.
    HP washing is definitely a good investment! It makes your time in bosses that dispel so much easier.

    5.5k+HP allows you to enjoy every content available in MapleRoyals, Period.
    (With the release of Auf Haven, it is alot more difficult to simply survive with 5.5k HP.)
    Feel Free to leave a comment or inbox me if you have any questions! I'll do what I can to help!

    Usually, an unwashed HP Bishop will Have 18xx~24xx HP After Advancement. My advice is to start washing after LVL150.

    HP Washing Goals
    5500+ HP, 18,000+ MP

    Part 1: More Mana Pool!
    Step 1 - Add Fresh AP Into MANA
    This will Give u an Additional Amount of MP into your Base MP Stats
    Step 2 - USE 1x AP RESET , Minus Mana Stats into INT.
    If you Notice Carefully, u Would have Gain a Small amount of additional MANA @ this step.
    Step 3 - Repeat For Moar MANA!!!

    Part 2: Transfer that Additional MANA into HP
    Step 1 - Add Fresh AP Into MANA
    This will Once Again Give u an Additional Amount of MP into your Base MP Stats
    Step 2 - USE 1x AP RESET , Minus Mana Stats into HP.
    U Will Gain An Certain Amount of HP by Losing some of those Mana Stats.
    You Can keep repeating Step 2 until ur ideal HP and Continue Step 1 to gain back that lost mana pool

    Step 3 - Remove The Additional Fresh AP u added to Mana Pool to add back into Int
    Will not lose additional Int Stats, And Have More Mana Stats basically.
    Once you're finished with your HP Goal, Suggestion to wash to 18.5k Mana Where you will have 30k MP With HB for Maximum Efficiency!

    A Really Short Video of Transferring MANA into HP! (I Probably Didn't Explain Part 2 Very Clearly so Here you go a video ^_^' )
    In This Video I only Have 1 AP into MP
    You Can Transfer as Much as you like From MP to HP as they share the Same AP POOL

    Fresh AP MP Gain : Base INT/10 + [30]
    [30] =MAX Improve MaxMP | [20] = lv0 improve MaxMP
    Fresh AP HP Gain: 6~10
    Reset AP MP Gain: 30, 20 with MaxMP Increase at lvl0
    Reset AP HP Gain: 10~20 (Average 15)
    AP reset MP Cost: 30, 20 with MaxMP Increase at lvl0
    AP reset HP Cost: 10

    1APR = 15mil
    1HP = 1mil Mesos

    The year 2020.
    I'm pretty surprised how messing around with HP Washing turned out for our current Bishop Meta!
    I already had this tested in the year 2019,

    It's a little difficult to explain but I'll do my best to share it.
    I didn't plan to write it out but here you go. it's pretty broken.

    New Bishop Washing method
    This should be done after you achieve your 1hitting goals, perhaps to 1hit Skele with 1291 magic.
    Since additional Magic/Int is a complete waste.
    Funded players or Ulu Farmers can do this at an earlier stage.

    You will start off by adding your fresh AP into MP and leave it there. yes, you heard me. leave it there.

    We'll be using a little special trick here today.
    By removing Max MP Increase from level10 to level0
    • upload_2020-3-31_17-32-44.png
      To completely remove Max MP increase would cost you 100mil (20k NX)
    You will only lose - 20 mp instead of - 30 mp for every APR when transferring MP into HP.
    (10MP saved Per APR)
    Heres a Video Example

    Check out this thread I made with @sparky95 here for more details.
    Example Bishop
    • Level 150 Bishop
    • 2400HP 17000 MP fully equipped,
    • Genesis 30 & MW10
    • Magic with MW10 = 1261 (+Gizer = 1291 able to 1hit Skele)
    From lv151~lv180 adds all AP into MP without removing them.
    At around level 180
    Bishop reaches 2500HP 30,000MP with (150AP inside HP/MP Pool)
    Bishop then -MAX MP increase skill to lvl0.
    Spend 500APRs to gain an additional 7500HP, -MP and add into HP
    The amount of MP Spent to transfer for 7500HP gain is 10,000MP instead of 15,000MP

    Currently, Bishop still has 30 Level worth of AP (150AP) inside the HP/MP Pool.
    He will then -150AP from his HP/MP Pool back into INT.
    (-150AP from HP/MP Pool = 3000MP, since -1AP = 20MP with the effect of lvl0 Max MP Increase)

    End result.
    Bishop Spent 650 APRs to obtain the total Magic his suppose to have, and achieved his HP Washing goal of 10k HP
    He transferred a total of 13,000 MP out of his mana pool during this entire process.
    Saved a rough amount of 6500MP
    Lvl180 : 10,000 HP 17,000 MP

    He then SP Reset his 1st job skill Max MP increase back to lvl10,
    Continue leveling towards level200
    MP wash diligently by adding 5AP into MP, then -5AP back into INT.
    Bishop eventually gain another 13k after MP Washing for the remaining levels.
    Ending up with 10,000HP and 30,000MP at lv200.

    Step By Step to wash to (Funded Players)
    : 11000+ HP, 30,000 MP
    Step by Step
    Once you reach lvl120, +MP -MP into Int until lvl155
    After lvl155

    Step 1 - SP Reset & Minus Max MP increase to lvl 0
    Step 2 - Minus MP into HP goal.
    (If u do not have enough funding to achieve HP goal, you can wash again at a later level, step 6)
    Step 3 - SP Reset and Max MP increase to lvl MAX
    From this point continue to level level, Every Fresh AP should be added into MP,
    once you reach 29.5k MP

    Step 4 - SP Reset Minus Max MP increase to lvl0
    Step 5 - Minus MP into HP (10k)
    Step 6 - Minus MP back into Int
    Step 7 - SP Reset Max MP increase to lvlMAX​

    Assuming APR is 15mil each for easy math
    1HP = 1,000,000 Mesos
    10,000HP = 10,000,000,000 Mesos

    Step By Step to wash to (Extreme Funded Players)
    : 30,000 HP, 30,000 MP
    Coming Soon

    Horntail Guide
    Currently this still a Work in Progress, but I’ll do my best to share the techniques.
    Meanwhile, this read is more oriented for Bishop Users,
    Its content will share more in-depth mechanics, Animation, Timers and of course
    one of the most important yet missed Mechanics, Dispelling.

    1. Recommended Bishop level 155+ (Washed)
    2. 1k+ pots (Power Elixirs or Ginger Ales are recommended)
    3. Pet with Auto HP/MP
    4. Pet Food
    5. Dragon Elixir
    Accept quest 'Moira's Whereabouts' from Chief Tatamo
    Complete the quest from Moira at the Cave of Life Entrance

    This is the same when you're doing your Gensis

    Collect the following items:
    • Cornian's Marrow - Green Cornians
    • Skull Shoulder Pad - Dark Cornians
    • Tough Dragon Skins - Wyverns
    • Cornian's Dagger - Black Cornians
    • Manon Kill 1/1 - Be in the map when a manon is killed.

    Basic Information
    Horntail is Currently one of the Biggest Attraction, the Second end game boss After Auf Haven!
    With 2.7 billion combined HP, she’s the highest HP out of any boss in MapleRoyals
    And yes Horntail is a Girl :)
    She drops an Egg and spawns baby Wyverns.

    Party Lineup in the Year 2020 should remain usually as such
    x1 BM x1Bishop x4 Attacker

    x1 Each Supportive Lineup
    -Bishop (Healer)
    -Bowmaster/marksman (SE)

    x4 Attacker
    Hero - DPS
    Corsair - DPS
    Night Lord - Seduce, DPS
    Shadower - Seduce, DPS
    Bucc- DPS, Speed Infusion, Time Leap
    Dark Knight – Hyper Body
    Paladin - Total Crash

    Current New Source Horntail Requires DPS classes without additional survivability skills to have 9800
    Bishops can be at base unwashed HP, 2200+, meanwhile washing is recommended to ~5500

    Expedition Overview
    Horntail Signature skills you will get ready to face

    Seduce will be on the first person that enters the map
    Tankier Attackers will be 2nd to follow, and finally, BM/bishop to be the last as Death from these 2 classes will impact the run so much more.

    Entering Priority:
    1. Shadower
    2. Highest HP, Warrior/NL
    3. Pirate
    4. Archer
    5. Bishop

    Cave of Life: The Cave of Trial I
    PreHead 1 : 330,000,000 HP
    The Bishop Should Enter the map First and start the party Creation
    Bishop/Crashmule should climb on the ropes once everyone is ready and spawn the Horntail Head.
    Melee Attackers can clear spawn
    Bishop can jump off the rope to clear spawn ( Do take note of Seduce timers Still)
    Seduce of Prehead 1 starts with 2min, then 3min for the next seduce continues with 3min interval
    Average Party Should take ~10mins to kill

    Get Ready to cast Genesis When spawn animation Happens

    Cave of Life: The Cave of Trial II

    Right Head: 330,000,000 HP
    Compared to prehead 1, The Next Map Main Seduce Target will enter first and follow the Entering Priority
    Bishop will head to the lowest platform.
    Seduce of Prehead 2 starts with 2min, then 3min for the next seduce continues with 3min interval
    Inform Seduce Target to move to Rope during the 2min mark.
    Spam heal on seduce.
    Average Party Should take ~10mins to kill

    Get Ready to cast Genesis When spawn animation Happens

    Preheads in horntail are just a simple warmup for the party
    Both preheads should take a total of ~20mins to kill
    In Mainbody average parties takes around 45~50min
    When Entering Mainbody, Please respect the Entering Priority.

    Entering Priority:
    1. Shadower
    2. Highest HP, Warrior/NL
    3. Pirate
    4. Archer
    5. Bishop


    Cave of Life: Horntail's Cave
    Welcome To Horntail.
    Players that attempt this boss. This is the most favorite attraction of Royals, Almost 20 Horntails are tackled daily.
    Mechanics, Killing Patterns might differ, but I'll share with all the experience that I've practiced, Mastered throughout
    the years of Horntail Re-Releasing in New Source.

    Level: 160
    Total HP: 2,730,000,000

    To Begin This Boss, Attack the purple Crystal at the Right of the map After the Crystal is Destroyed.
    Horntail will be summoned.
    For Mages, Magic Guard should be active at this point
    The Moment Horntail's HP Bar Pops up. GFX
    (GFX is no longer needed)
    This is Fixed in Update #65
    upload_2020-1-1_20-55-32.png upload_2020-1-1_20-54-53.png upload_2020-1-1_20-55-15.png upload_2020-1-1_20-55-51.png

    Horntail's Legs
    Level: 160
    Total HP : 130,000,000 HP
    The First target that should be taken down will be Horntail's Leg.
    Which does a Stomp Damages up to 9.8k and Stuns the Players?
    touch damage is around 13k
    Above Attached is the Animation for Seduce**.
    Horntail Seduce Starts at 2min , 3min After the first seduce.
    Seduce Target Should quickly get on Rope before he/she gets seduced,
    Holy Shield is Recommended to be used immediately when Horntail Spawns!
    Holy Shield has a CD of 2min, meaning to say, Seduce will Strike when Holy Shield becomes available again.
    If Sed Left (<) , Jump (^)
    Bishop Should be Spamming Heal To Keep Seduce Target HP at 100%
    If Sed Right (>) Towards tail, Seduce target is required to will immediately.

    DPS class position themselves and quickly Kill of Legs.
    The legs are pretty squishy if everyone's appling. Probably most of the time, there will only be 1x Seduce.

    Horntail's Tail

    Level : 160
    Total HP : 80,000,000 HP
    Do not touch the tail it deals around 28k damage to the player.
    it Does a Tail Slam, And Pushes players back into the left.

    Seduce arrives at 5min mark. which mentioned above, 3min after the 2min (First Sed)
    Seduce target hangs on the rope

    The main killer of this Part is when the Seduce Target is Sed (>), it will do a wooping insane damage to ur Seduce target
    Usually classes like Shadowers / Warriors will be able to survive.
    If Will is not available, The Possibility of death is really high.
    Maintain DPS and it should be killed roughly around 6min.
    Fast parties usually is able to kill before the 5min (2nd Seduce) mark!

    Legs & Tail
    To sum up the mechanics of these 2 parts are fairly simple.
    Make sure Seduce is Healed to full, When Seduced Right, Hit the Will Skill.
    If Seduce target is Forced into walking towards the tail, Be it MP Drain and unable to will
    Or Seduce right twice. Bishop, do not try tanking the Tail. Use Ress the Moment Tail dies.
    Kill it ASAP. DPS Class popping Apples are suggested here.
    Horntail Wings

    Sorry I can't find a bigger picture for this ^_^'
    Level: 160
    HP : 270,000,000

    Horntail Wings are Simple!
    Just like Tails, It does a good amount of damage when it flips up and touches your DPS.
    There will be times that your DPS members die from this. but as a bishop. Touch Damage is not one of your major concerns.

    There is a Summon that they do to be disruptive to the run
    And this animation will Summon Cornians,
    Green Cornian Starts Spawning at 90% HP
    Dark Cornian Starts Spawning at 60% HP
    Wings will start to Heal 150k~190k/Each at 30% Horntail part.
    When it's healing this amount. Make Sure Holy Symbol is applied to all players ^_^'.

    This is not an issue for the runs, Wings Does Heal the Horntail itself, but the amount is not very significant to worry about.
    Only Concerned ones should be the DPS classes that do not have enough HP to survive the wings flap.
    Which is pretty rare in 2020 ^_^'

    Horntail left Arm
    There are only 3 Skills that players should really be aware of.
    1. Seduce
    2. Defense Buff
    3. DISPEL
    Level: 160
    Total HP : 230,000,000

    This is the Seduce Animation, I've shared this image above, but once again. This is one of the most Troublesome skills Horntail Casts,
    It Seduces 2min when you first summon this boss. and does Seduce every 3min.

    Bishop Should watch the timer or animations and be alarmed to Heal the Seduce Immediately.

    Once it reaches 30% HP and below. Mass seduce will occur and seduces the entire team (First 10 who entered the map)

    A Bishop Should will first and Heal the team to full,
    If there is a second mass seduce, all attackers can to avoid failing the run.
    Left-arm dispels, so sacrificing the bishop might be required.

    The second option is that the bishop should only will when the team is in actual danger of dying during the mass seduce, which is true as well. It depends on your mindset and that danger of the current situation.
    Options might be needed.
    Above is Defense Up Animation, I'll Explain Further Below in the Guide on How this skill can delay the run significantly, and how a bishop can assist to counter
    against this troublesome Mechanic.

    Ah and yes. The Skill that makes tombstone falls.
    Above is the Dispel Animation. Oh god, this skill is scary,
    The moment it reaches 60% HP. It will start Dispelling (Slightly after 1st Warning 70% HP indicator)
    Dispel will hit the moment it touches the HP Mark And Dispels every 5min after until its dead.
    Meaning to say while seduce is active, Dispel Might Happen [;)]
    But a washed Bishop in 2020 should not have much on an issue countering against this mechanic!

    Horntail Right Arm
    There are 2 Skills Here as well Player should be aware of.
    1. Seduce
    2. Darkness/Seal/Weaken
    Level: 160
    Total HP : 230,000,000
    The right arm is similar to its Left Counterpart, just way less of a threat.
    Similar Mechanics Such as Seduce From the Left,
    This is the Seduce Animation, once again.
    It Seduces every 3min.
    Bishop whichever where u watch the timer or animations, Bishop should be alarmed to Heal the Seduce Immediately.

    Once it reaches 30% HP and below, Mass seduce will occur and seduces the entire team (first 10 who enter)

    A Bishop should use [Will] immediately and heal the team to full, if there's a 2nd Seduce, all DPS classes should will. To avoid failing the run.
    Above is Darkness/Seal/Weaken, Bishop Can use the Skill Dispel on his buddies to improve DPS and Use Holy Shield whenever is Available.
    This During Seduce might be questionable, as it makes your Seduce target unable to use the skill [Will]
    when this happens.

    There are times when Dispel and Seal Happens together, Bishop will be required to quickly cast
    Dispel/All Cure Potion + Magic Guard.
    Crossing Mechanics In Horntail

    Whenever Head is Killed, accidentally Crossing, or simply choosing which head DPS classes should target
    Crossing Motion is Done,
    One must always remember the Mechanics

    **Each arm Has its own seduce Timer**
    Meaning to say, Once u Cross the middle line of Horntail.
    Right Arm Seduce will apply (Double Sed)

    After the party crossed to the Right if no one is at the left half of Horntail.
    It will Remain Single Sed, Following the Right Sed timer.
    Seduce Player Should use [Will] Immediately if Timer is lost.

    Further On, Being at the Right side of Horntail,
    you will only take effect of right arm Skills, Such as Seal/Darkness/Weakness
    And while the full team is on the left, it will not be affected with the right hand's skill.


    Horntail head A (LEFT)

    Level : 160
    Total HP : 330,000,000 HP
    This is the most important animation that Bishops should watch out for.

    This is "SPAWN" Animation
    Head A will summon different color Wyverns based on its HP
    Red = ~95%
    Blue = ~75%
    Dark = ~45%

    Each Color will have 6Waves.
    Meaning to say after the 6th wave of Spawns, Holy Symbol Should have been applied to all the players that are not level 200.
    It should die very soon.

    These Dark Wyverns Especially are a Killer.
    With there Special Magic Skill "Dispel"
    Dispel will entirely remove your magic Guard, and that will be really deadly.
    Meanwhile, if they are not Properly Cleared, They will fly upwards to the DPS And Dispel Buffs Such as SE/Shadow Stars/Boosters
    Which will significantly Delay the Horntail Expedition's Speed.

    What Should a Bishop do?
    To 1hit them you Require a total of 1591 Magic
    Potions Such as Ssiws Cheese, Skills Such as Echo/MW20 are super useful to assist one to reach 1591 to 1hit these mobs.
    Bishop's Bahamut should also be summoned.
    In case they are unable to 1hit, The Bahamut Should be able to deal the remaining damage needed ^_^'
    Wyvern will heal if they aren't killed in an instant, so assistance from DPS class might be needed.
    If you need help to clear the dark wyvern spawns. Do let your DPS buddies know in advance!

    Once you see this particular animation, You should be in a position to Genesis already.
    This Spawn Mechanics is the Same For Head A/B/C
    Horntail head C (Right)

    Level: 160
    Total HP : 330,000,000 HP

    This is "SPAWN" Animation
    Head C will summon different color Wyverns based on its HP
    Red = ~95%
    Blue = ~75%
    Dark = ~45%

    Each Color will have 6Waves.
    Meaning to say after the 6th wave of Spawns, Holy Symbol Should have been applied to all the players that are not level 200.
    It should die very soon.

    These Dark Wyverns Especially are a Killer.
    With there Special Magic Skill "Dispel"
    Dispel will entirely remove your magic Guard, and that will be really deadly.
    Meanwhile, if they are not Properly Cleared, They will fly upwards to the DPS And Dispel Buffs Such as SE/Shadow Stars/Boosters
    Which will significantly Delay the Horntail Expedition's Speed.

    What Should a Bishop do?
    To 1hit them you Require a total of 1591 Magic
    Potions Such as Ssiws Cheese, Skills Such as Echo/MW20 are super useful to assist one to reach 1591 to 1hit these mobs.
    Bishop's Bahamut should also be summoned.
    In case they are unable to 1hit, The Bahamut Should be able to deal with the remaining damage needed ^_^'
    Wyvern will heal if they aren't killed in an instant, so assistance from DPS class might be needed.
    If you need help to clear the dark wyvern spawns. Do let your DPS buddies know in advance!

    Once you see this particular animation, You should be in a position to Genesis already.
    This Spawn Mechanics is the Same For Head A/B/C
    Standing Position should be like above attached.
    Mechanics are similar for Head A & C.

    Horntail head B (Middle)

    Level: 160
    Total HP : 490,000,000 HP

    One would say that this head Represents Horntail.
    In all body parts, this is the one that gives the Most EXP, and The Most HP As well!

    The mechanics above remain the same.
    This is its Summon animation
    Of course similar to above
    This is "SPAWN" Animation
    Head B will summon different color Wyverns based on its HP
    Red = ~95%
    Blue = ~75%
    Dark = ~45%

    Each Color will have 6Waves.
    Meaning to say after the 6th wave of Spawns, Holy Symbol Should have been applied on all the players that are not level 200.
    It should die very soon.

    These Dark Wyverns Especially are a Killer.
    With there Special Magic Skill "Dispel"
    Dispel will entirely remove your magic Guard, and that will be really deadly.
    Meanwhile, if they are not Properly Cleared, They will fly upwards to the DPS And Dispel Buffs Such as SE/Shadow Stars/Boosters
    Which will significantly Delay the Horntail Expedition's Speed.

    What Should a Bishop do?
    To 1hit them you Require a total of 1591 Magic
    Potions Such as Ssiws Cheese, Skills Such as Echo/MW20 are super useful to assist one to reach 1591 to 1hit these mobs.
    Bishop's Bahamut should also be summoned.
    In case they are unable to 1hit, The Bahamut Should be able to deal with the remaining damage needed ^_^'
    Wyvern will heal if they aren't killed in an instant, so assistance from DPS class might be needed.
    If you need help to clear the dark wyvern spawns. Do let your DPS buddies know in advance!

    Once you see this particular animation, You should be in a position to Genesis already.
    This Spawn Mechanics is the Same For Head A/B/C

    But there's one part that makes this head stronger then Head A & C.
    And what makes this boss, One of the Most Exciting Attraction in MapleRoyals.

    This it's his Dispel Animation. When this skill hits, it should be around 50%. The Moment blue Wyverns Fly, That's where this Skill Starts Popping up.
    It combos along with your left arm, and Dark Wyverns.

    At 50% HP it Dispels Every 5min,
    But at 30%HP it will have an additional Dispel Every 3min.

    But this 2 Dispels have their own individual timer And overlaps with each other.
    a 10min timeframe,
    Head B will Dispel on the 10th and the 5th minute.
    meanwhile, the additional Dispel will be on the 9th, 6th and 3rd minutes.

    Overlapping with each ofter, so a dispel frame of 10th, 9th, 6th, 5th, 3rd, and 0min

    Do remember, there might be a left-arm dispelling every 5minute or so.
    So it's pretty cancerous haha.

    Practice and Learning practically is a must to be efficient Like suggested above in this guide, Joining a Guild, Group or having a couple of friends that does daily runs would make this
    learning adventure much more exciting!

    * Horntail's Legs:
    * 130,000,000 HP / 17,526,080 EXP


    * Horntail's Tail:
    * 70,000,000 HP / 10,785,280 EXP
    * Poison Mist - Activation 100%, 2k dmg/sec, Duration 20 sec, Cooldown 40 sec.


    * Horntail's Wings:
    * 270,000,000 HP / 36,400,320 EXP
    * Weapon Attack Up (AoE) - Activation 100% HP, W.Att +130, Duration 30 sec, Cooldown 40 sec.
    * Magic Attack Up (AoE) - Activation 100% HP, M.Att +130, Duration 30 sec, Cooldown 40 sec.
    * Heal (AoE) - Activation 90% HP, +50k HP & +20k MP, Cooldown 30 sec.
    * Summon Green Cornian - Activation 85% HP, Cooldown 90 sec.
    * Summon Dark Cornian - Activation 55% HP, Cooldown 80 sec.
    * Heal (AoE) - Activation 30% HP, +150k HP & +50k MP, Cooldown 30 sec.


    * Horntail's Head A (Left Head):
    * 330,000,000 HP / 44,489,280 EXP
    * Weapon Cancel - Activation 99% HP, Duration: 40 sec, Cooldown 60 sec.
    * Magic Cancel - Activation 99% HP, Duration: 40 sec, Cooldown 60 sec.
    * Summon Red Wyvern - Activation 95% HP, Quantity 6, Cooldown 60 sec.
    * Summon Blue Wyvern - Activation 75% HP, Quantity 6, Cooldown 55 sec.
    * Summon Dark Wyvern - Activation 45% HP, Quantity 6, Cooldown 50 sec.


    * Horntail's Head B (Middle Head):
    * 490,000,000 HP / 66,155,840 EXP
    * Weapon Cancel - Activation: 99% HP, Duration 40 sec, Cooldown 60 sec.
    * Magic Cancel - Activation: 99% HP, Duration 40 sec, Cooldown 60 sec.
    * Summon Red Wyvern - Activation 95% HP, Quantity 6, Cooldown 60 sec.
    * Summon Blue Wyvern - Activation 75% HP, Quantity 6, Cooldown 55 sec.
    * Dispel - Activation 60% HP, Cooldown 300 sec.
    * Summon Dark Wyvern - Activation 45% HP, Quantity 6, Cooldown 50 sec.
    * Dispel - Activation 30% HP, Cooldown 180 sec.


    * Horntail's Head C (Right Head):
    * 330,000,000 HP / 44,489,280 EXP
    * Weapon Cancel - Activation 99% HP, Duration: 40 sec, Cooldown 60 sec.
    * Magic Cancel - Activation 99% HP, Duration: 40 sec, Cooldown 60 sec.
    * Summon Red Wyvern - Activation 95% HP, Quantity 6, Cooldown 60 sec.
    * Summon Blue Wyvern - Activation 75% HP, Quantity 6, Cooldown 55 sec.
    * Summon Dark Wyvern - Activation 45% HP, Quantity 6, Cooldown 50 sec.


    * Horntail's Left Hand:
    * 230,000,000 HP / 31,007,680 EXP
    * Dispel - Activation 60% HP, Cooldown 300 sec.
    * Weapon Defense Up (AoE) - Activation 100% HP, W.Def +85, Duration 20 sec, Cooldown 30 sec.
    * Seduce (Left/Right/Jump) - Activation 100% HP, Players affected 1, Duration 10 sec, Cooldown 180 sec.
    * Mass Seduce (Left/Right) - Activation 30% HP, Players affected 10, Duration 10 sec, Cooldown 60 sec.


    * Horntail's Right Hand:
    * 230,000,000 HP / 31,007,680 EXP
    * Seal - Activation 100% HP, Duration 30 sec, Cooldown 25 sec.
    * Darkness - Activation 100% HP, Duration 30 sec, Cooldown 15 sec.
    * Weakness - Activation 100% HP, Duration 30 sec, Cooldown 45 sec.
    * Magic Defense Up (AoE) - Activation 100% HP, M.Def +85, Duration 30 sec, Cooldown 50 sec.
    * Seduce (Left/Right/Jump) - Activation 100% HP, Players affected 1, Duration 10 sec, Cooldown 180 sec.
    * Mass Seduce (Left/Right) - Activation 30% HP, Players affected 10, Duration 10 sec, Cooldown 60 sec.

    Total: 2,740,000,000 HP / 344,146,432 EXP

    we'll discuss more on the more advanced techniques a bishop can maximize in a Particular Horntail Expedition.
    These, if used well, will make the run so much more efficient. Making your Bishop, Unique and Stand out compared to others.

    Meanwhile, these are the techniques I personally use and recommend. There are, of course, a thousand and one methods that I don’t know about!
    So do continue to experiment techniques out!

    Dispelling Defense Buff
    Defense Buff in Bosses, Such as Horntail will decrease the DPS Classes Damage by 25%
    Basically using the Skill "Dispel" will allow Bishops to remove the Defense Buff in Horntail bosses.
    It works Similar to how Warrior has Armor Crash and Power Crash
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Using the Skill Dispel will allow teams without Hero & Dark Knight to continue dishing out Normal DPS without worrying about the Boss' Defense Buff.
    And Max Dispel has a 100% Success Rate. This is my favorite Bishop Skill & Mechanic To be maximized in Horntail.
    Where it makes a NL/NL/NL/NL/SE/BS runs so much faster than usual.
    -Dispelling Defense Buffs From
    1. Head A
    2. Head B
    3. Head C
    4. Wings & Arms
    5. Legs

    -DPS with Genesis
    How to keep up with Genesis Uptime

    -Multiclienting a Bishop.
    Be it your a bishop main muling Crash & SE
    Or a NL muling a Bishop

    -Seduce Bishop Setup

    So By landing the Dispel [​IMG]
    in the Aoe of Horntail. This effect should happen.
    And once this animation appears on the Head of Horntail, Defense Buff Should 100% be removed.
    But debuffing Horntail isn't as simple.

    Above Attached is Defense UP animation, The Moment you see this animation, Really Good bishop will immediately try to Dispel the Defense Buff
    to Speed up the run. By doing this actively, you'll be surprised how much faster Horntail Runs will be!
    Dispelling buffs should be prioritized after Seduce, But Over DPS-ing with genesis.

    Most Bishop now understands this mechanics but always discuss and claim to have an issue Debuffing accurately and waste a lot of time moving around random spots in Horntail.
    But Heres a guide that might be useful, to Accurately Dispel A / B / C head!

    Head A Defense UP
    Bishop At this particular Locations will be able to dispel 100% of the time

    Method #1
    Below attached is my favorite Dispelling location.
    One can telecast from the middle jump on the rope, Dispel and teleport back int

    Method #2
    The Second Method to JUMP+Dispel
    is Player will Wait for the head to Bend Downwards When it's using the Attack Skill
    and immediately hit dispel when u reach the highest point.
    115 Jump
    is recommended
    This way you don't have to leave your Genesis location too much.
    But of course, it will only work when it's bending downwards.

    Head B Defense UP
    Head B there's only one Location!
    This is Super easy to Dispel Compared to A.
    Jump + Dispel this will 100% hit if you're around the correct location, like the below attached.

    Things to note, You'll be taking Touch Damage From Arms or Wings.
    If you Remember Dispel Timers, You might be unlucky and Dispelled Mid-air,
    Killing the Bishop. So when performing this action, Be Extremely Careful.

    #1 your well washed or #2 You know Dispel Timer Well.

    Head C Defense UP
    Bishop At this particular Locations will be able to dispel 100% of the time
    Similar to Head A, The Patterns are very identical.

    Method #1 (Similar To A)
    At this Spot, You Should Use your Holy Shield whenever its off Cooldown
    and it will be able to reach the players at the Right platforms

    Method #2 (Similar To A)
    The Second Method to JUMP+Dispel
    Player should Wait for the head to Bend Downwards When it's using the Attack Skill
    JUMP and immediately hit dispel when u reach the highest point.
    115 Jump is recommended
    This way you don't have to leave your Genesis location too much.
    But of course, it will only work when it's bending downwards.


    Updated: 17 feb 2021
    Meso Making Methods
    • Trio duku Guide
    • APQ
    • Stopper farming guide
    Updated with phase 0 guide
    • Multiclient -What mules should i make & why is multiclienting important in 2021
    • how to buy HTP
    coming real soon!

    Hello, everyone
    It’s been a pleasure to be back writing after a long time.
    I've have just recently updated the guide with Meso Making Methods!

    How is it? I’d be delighted if it’s to your liking.
    I'll be probably adjusting the content for Bishop Guide with multi-clienting in bosses guide with the recent changes shortly somewhere in the end of this month or so.

    Moving Forward! I've already resourced several editors to correct my horrible grammar & english mistakes all around, reorganize the guide to make it look pretty,
    new banners, remove outdated contents and finally upload a chinese translated version.

    The next major update will include transition to attacker, how to wash all classes and how to control your bishop efficiently alongside the attacker class you wish to make!
    My current goal is to release it as soon as possible in 2022 so please look forward to it!

    If there are any questions, as usual always feel free to comment below.

    I’ll do my best to bring the contents to you, I hope it meets your expectations.
    With that, I look forward to seeing you in the next update.

    February 2021

    Guide updated: February 2021

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Jan 2, 2022
    SLVRDLLR, Fle, SirCharmnder and 173 others like this.
  2. Tyloo

    Tyloo Donator

    Dec 2, 2015
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    First page!
    Excited for the Horntail guide. Might actually get me to move my bishop from out of haunted house :^)
    Menor, SJlim123, ginwolf and 4 others like this.
  3. Tjockas

    Tjockas Member

    May 30, 2018
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    Looks great!
    As someone who recently got back into Maple, and is currently a Priest, I think this will help tremendously since I hit Bishop.

    Will you be adding recommendations on where to level and/or leech at as well?
    Nanoboom and ginwolf like this.
  4. Jooon

    Jooon Donator

    Mar 5, 2015
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    I'll Put that into consideration! :xD::xD:
    Kittns, lee1, Charu and 7 others like this.
  5. tabs

    tabs Well-Known Member

    Jul 10, 2018
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    Wow first page
    ginwolf likes this.
  6. Ayane

    Ayane Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2015
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    lol what to lvl big bang mana reflection or infinity
    Also how much does it cost to get 1600 magic
    ginwolf likes this.
  7. Inusama

    Inusama Donator

    Mar 26, 2015
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    I'd recommend Sleepy gach for new players. It has quite a lot of LUKless gear like Black Starry Bandana, Purple Old Wisconsin, Toymaker Cap, Hard Hat, Red Emerald Earrings and Ele3. Plus everyone needs a Maple Leaf until Christmas event.
    LVL35 raccoon masks you can sell for good meso.
    ginwolf likes this.
  8. Luna

    Luna Donator

    Dec 22, 2016
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    i cant concentrate reading the guide with such shiny banners ~f11
    ginwolf, Don, ilyssia and 1 other person like this.
  9. Guus

    Guus Donator

    Dec 29, 2016
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    Neat guide so far ;)

    As far as the skillbuild for bishops is concerned, it seems like you suggest pumping everything in Genesis right away but putting 1 point in Resurrection is very valuable for a lowlvl bishop in terms of bossing. It can also be interesting for bishops to put 10-20 skillpoints in Maple Warrior before levling Genesis as you only need Genesis lvl 1 to 1hko all mobs where lowlvlleech is sold. Leaving Genesis on lvl1 is also good for the pot consumption of lowlvl bishops. Lastly I would max Bahamut before maxing Angel Ray but that could be a matter of preference.
    ginwolf, Ohad, MoriForest and 2 others like this.
  10. djanny

    djanny Donator

    Oct 14, 2017
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    Could you add a recommended training guide?
    Squirell, ginwolf and Jooon like this.
  11. Jooon

    Jooon Donator

    Mar 5, 2015
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    Imo Big Bang, Mana Reflection or even Infinity are weaker. I'm prioritising infinity higher then the others and also hoping for advice on which to add on my own bishop as well!
    Definately to update it regarding that!

    1600 Magic..
    Bishops does not works like attacker class, where the class main damage comes from Level!
    instead of the range scaling according to your weapon attack gears.
    Well, if you want to invest your hard earn leeched mesos, around ~40bil?
    you will want to look into investing into a perfect wand and earring which is has the most gain in TMA , following with a High Int Zak Helm, and HTP as well :)

    Snow Fur Lump During Christmas and 20TMA purple gaia cape are very good investments as well to put into consideration.

    Unless you love supportive gameplay or a bishop fan overall.
    Just level your bishop high, and get average gears,
    use potions eg. Yellow Cider Or Swiss cheese to 1hit those darkswyverns.
    (Apples of course if your generous.)
    swiss cheese will be a drop in cwkpq :o:o:o:o
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2018
    Charu, Jesseh, lee1 and 7 others like this.
  12. Jooon

    Jooon Donator

    Mar 5, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Quality Advice ! thank you. i'll be sure do research on respect to sleepy gacha and update it on my 2nd part, "Gearing Up" !
    Charu, Jesseh, lee1 and 7 others like this.
  13. Jooon

    Jooon Donator

    Mar 5, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Thank you for your suggestion Guus! very true on regarding resurrection and maple warrior!
    I'll make some adjustment!
    Charu, Jesseh, lee1 and 9 others like this.
  14. Jooon

    Jooon Donator

    Mar 5, 2015
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    I love dem Shiny ~f11~f11~f11

    i'm doing some research regarding it!
    Will definately Consider writing an training guide, which includes both leeching, grinding and even the recently Buffed Party Quests!
    Charu, Jesseh, lee1 and 7 others like this.
  15. Venin

    Venin Well-Known Member

    Jun 14, 2017
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    Next bosser will be a bishop, going to rely on this guide. Thanks Joon!
    ginwolf and Jooon like this.
  16. EZFebreezy

    EZFebreezy Well-Known Member

    Oct 30, 2017
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    blasted into the sun
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    Everyone knows the correct bishop skill build is max bahamut so you can go to your home at sophila's bedroom.
    yesbita, ginwolf, Ghostie and 5 others like this.
  17. bkzh

    bkzh Well-Known Member

    Sep 2, 2016
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    Honestly, going pure int already helps you to deal decent heal damage. Having those lukless gear really don't help that much. I would rather save up those precious NX to either sell for meso, or gacha for WS/CS. Unless we are looking to 1 hit dark wyvern without any potion boost or min-max damage (why are you playing a bishop if you are into min-max in the first place), we also don't really need a maple leaf.
    Jooon likes this.
  18. Dann

    Dann Donator

    Mar 24, 2015
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    Ice Valley II
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    Are you jocking?
    ginwolf and Jooon like this.
  19. bkzh

    bkzh Well-Known Member

    Sep 2, 2016
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    HP washing makes it a lot less stressful going for certain bosses. Think I read in one of the thread where someone wash till 5k (?) hp, which allowed them to tank 1 magic attack from ht after wing is down. This makes it less worrying during the mass dispel when mid head hits 50% (?) hp. Some also do MP washing to maximize PE usage, 30k base MP allows u to cast extra genesis when selling leech.
    ginwolf and Dann like this.
  20. Dann

    Dann Donator

    Mar 24, 2015
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    Ice Valley II
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    Yeh mate i know how wash work specially for bishops hehe this was more a joke them a
    serious comentary ^-^
    ginwolf likes this.

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