Hi, I find that when I alt-tab out of Royals, perhaps if I'm multi-clienting for example, when I go back my client is just flashing black and I can't see anything. The background music still plays and so I know I'm still there, but I'm left with no option but to ALT-F4 the client and log back in. Any ideas?
I've had this problem too, every time I played MapleRoyals in like 50% of the times I alt-tabbed or alt-entered. This is what I did and I no longer have this issue: https://royals.ms/forum/threads/alt-tab-enter-black-flashing-client.210592/
Hi there! Thanks for trying to help I tried the second one and that hasn't helped. I don't see that option when I right click Royals on task manager, for the first one? Could you describe it more or show a screenshot maybe?
Which OS are you using? It seems like efficiency mode is a new feature on Windows 11. Try updating to the latest version. Some versions of Windows 10 have a similair feature called "Eco Mode". If you're using Windows 10 try to right click MapleRoyals in Taskmanager and look for an option called "Eco mode". Not sure if that'll work, because I only tested it with Efficiency mode on Windows 11. EDIT: Ah, Eco Mode is a feature only available for some experimental versions of Windows 10. Only for members of Windows Insider Program.