Hello I will be providing various services within Royals. I will continue to add to this thread as I finish working on the characters required to provide such services. I currently mostly play between 7:00 and 9:00 server time during work days and am quite flexible on weekends. If you cannot play during this time frame, please reach out to discuss AFK delivery options. Current Services available: Infamous Fame Packs (AFK Available): - 96 Fame (110m) - Available - 192 Fame (210m) - soon - 288 Fame (300m) - soon AFK Delivery Instructions: Step 1: Leave a comment to book service for that day Step 2: I will remotely set up a store in Ch 8 FM 8 with a single white potion equal tp the cost of the service. Please purchase this item to lock in the service Step 3: Leave your character in the following spot in Ch 8 FM 8 and your Fame Pack will be delivered to you when I arrive home You may also chill in the lounge as an alternative venue for the delivery of your Fame Pack. Other Services: Soon
Thanks for supporting my fame service Dave. Service for 7 Nov still open! Book your own 96 fame pack today!
Sure. The current state of play is, another player is interested to get famed for 11 Nov, or next time we see each other online. Our times don't line up that well so today might end up being completely open. I have a small playing window today, most likely between 2:00-2:30 server time and 6:00-7:00 server time, and finally 10:00-12:00 server time. Please add Soletrader in game or bioodrose4900 on discord to discuss more. You can also pick one of the time frames mentioned above and I will set up a store to do AFK service during the time you've picked if you can't be fully engaged. Service will be in the lounge today.