Buccaneer's Buff

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Clairisa, Mar 1, 2018.

  1. Clairisa

    Clairisa Donator

    Dec 25, 2015
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    Hello Everypony it's me again. After expressing how I felt out about the Paladin's changes, I felt I needed to be fair and look at the Bucc as well.

    I have to say, the fix on the Bucc's energy charge was perfect in my opinion and is helping with training a lot! I actually can rely on the stance effect it provides. Great work Royals. At least from from my perspective, you are doing the Bucc some serious justice. There is one thing that I have been concerned with now that I tried the path out for myself though. Sure a single use of Barrage is plenty powerful, but as we all know.... it's nothing for DPS. I experience a possible cure for this thanks to partying at Petris with a Bowmaster though using SE. My Stun Mastery is lv 11 and when I stunned to crit, my damage for Barrage w/SE active exploded o.o Now I have to say this was impressive since I was only using SE and Energy charge's +20 atk buff at the time and my final line hit for a 53k crit dmg (only the final line folks not the total) and my barrage was only lv 23 at the time. It got me thinking.... to help Buccs boss a little better, could we give them their own critical hit ratio? Naturally Nerf it compared to Archers and NL, because wow... one of my lines hit for 53k at lvl 129 (I think that was the level I was). Barrage and Demolition aren't every fast but strike many times. A minor critical hit ratio (instead of the way how stun mastery works) would make the FAR more appealing for bossing. This one I may be pushing it, but I wanted everyone's opinion on it.

    What do you guys think?

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