Nickname: Brunns I think there was a bug in my account... Once was playing, and lightening FM, my account was disconnected and that now prevents me play because every time I select a channel to log into my account it connects me at the same time, but before giving one second connected I am disconnected again, and so is every time I try to play. I hope you can fix this bug, wait return.
* Turn off/uninstall any antivirus you have. * Disable Hamachi, Microsoft loopback adapter, Hotspot shield.
Some realized processes said above , yet still being disconnected ... it may be that their own is buggy and not something for the computer , because tested in two different . But thank more try , if someone has a solution or want to "try" one ... please let there below! Grateful, and remain in waiting;
Can you try download these files onto your desktop then drag them into your Mapleroyals folder and replace the old files.
If you still have a problem make a post here: and follow this format: IGN: (Your character name) Problem: (Eg: Voted but didn't get NX) Details: (Explain what happened as clearly as possible, including information you think might be relevant. If you have lost items, please list them here, with screenshots if possible.)