I might format it once there's enough information to format it. If there's a bugged item let me know, and I'll add it to the list! (I will be personally testing all of them beforehand) Context: This list is so that you don't lose all your money on owls. Some items are bugged and cause you to dc when you search for them, but you still lose the owl. Red Craven Bathrobe for Men lol those are the only ones I know of right now.
It is not that the items themselves are bugged, but that items that are too plentiful in the market in general will cause users to dc when owled--Work Gloves are another one of these. I actually often owl Red Cravens and Bathrobes for Men just a bit after server checks, and they work fine under those conditions as there is just the right amount of them at those times.
wait actually? I've only ever heard of people dcing from it, this is the first I've heard of people successfully owling red cravens in a long time. Guess I'll test next server check.