I was observing what really causes that cc & dc problem, every time I log back, after crashing my game after cc, my pet its ALWAYS hungry, cant we just do something with pets then, or atleast try ? I would like to encourage other people to write about their experience.
I haven't really noticed if this is due to CC'ing, but I know my pet is always hungry in the fm. Normally when training I might have to feed once every 15-20 mins but in the FM its like every 3 minutes. I know this was brought up before in a previous report where someone stated that pets were getting hungry too fast, but I haven't really noticed a difference after the server check which supposedly patched this.
Haven't dc-ed while cc-ing, but yesterday I twice found myself completely unable to cc until I restarted the client. As for pet hunger - yes, that's bugging me a lot. I feed my pet to 100 fullness before logging out and when I log back in, the poor thing is looking miserable at 15 fullness. Also, the Black Pig shouldn't be losing 5 fullness at a time. 2 maybe, but certainly not 5.