I spun my chair gach 3 times really fast using the Y key as my npc chat. I got lotus, vellum, lotus chair. but when i check my inventory i only have 1 lotus chair and 1 vellum chair. i am missing the third chair. can i get a re-spin please please see screenshot for reference. thank you.
If you look closely u can still see the highlight around the lotus chair as it was just looted. please help. i would love another spin T_T
It looks like it's missing the "slotmax" property: Have you tried going to the storage keeper and depositing just one? That way you can have one on this character and one on another on this account. It's not a tradable chair anyways so this is the best you can hope for.
ahh that is interesting, i was scared to touch it incase it broke the server or my account due to the glitch. xD