Welp, this is pretty simple. Selling all of these beautiful chairs (some RP / Untradeable) (Giant Teddy Bear Chair not included for sale) : 7att FS A/W 2.35b Spoiler: Sold/Boomed 1x Magic Throwing Knives - sold for 990M at shop 32watt 11str 3luk Dragon Khanjar S/B 1.3b C/O - 3 ws/cs by @AtashiWaDal (1.41b value) A/W 1.6b Sold in-game to DalSegnoTale for 3ws + 90m 10int 17matt (27tma) Flamekeeper Cordons Sold for 1b ingame 9watt 2slots Blackfist Cloak c/o 2.5b by @Cmushroom in-game a/w 2.8b Sold for A/W in-game 15/105 King Cent s/b 1.9b a/w 2.3b Sold for 2.05b in-game to @Ari♥ 10th Anniversary Spear - Sold for 150m in-game 8 str 2 speed Spectrum Goggles - Sold for 1.5b to @Zaxo MW20 - 1.7b straight Sold in-shop 5watt 5slots VL Boots (3/6 > 5/5): S/B - 3b C/O - s/b by @MrMikiMiki A/W - 4b Sold for 3b to @MrMikiMiki 6/5 bwg (clean > 3/6 > cs to 6/5) s/b 2.8b a/w 3.2b CS failed, 30% failed, 30% failed - 6/5 into 6/2, what a shame LOL Genesis 30 - sold for 660m in-game. 30watt / 8 str / 2 luk a/w 400m sold for a/w in-game shop 17 Luk Ifia's Earrings 500m a/w sold for 1 white scroll in-game 15 luk 129 att Gold Double Knife C/O - 2.9b A/W - 3.2b Sold to @EliranD for 2.9b 7 dex / 24 luk Dark Pirate Top - 480m sold in-game 15/114 Sky Ski - sold in-game 18dex / 9luk (27 stat) Red Pirate Pants sold in-game 13 str Element Pierce - sold in-game shop IGN Naobito Or reply / DM feel free to offer - I'm always down for negotiation I reserve the right to not sell any item as I see fit and prioritize selling to my guildies if there's an identical offer. Most of the items are at cc1 room10 Top Right "1-10 Ohms <3" shop by Naobito 500M 500M 1B
Hey, that doesn't reach S/B as 3x clean bwg are 1.2b (400m ea). If you offer 3x clean bwg + 100m (as i count bwg as 400m), that could work as s/b. Edit: S/B met in-game. will sell tomorrow around 15:00 PM server time if no other bids.
Selling in like 8 hours or so if no other bids made on the dragon khanjar. If there's a higher bid, I will extend it to a couple hours more than that. BUMP